...and another thing, "It Takes TWO to Tango!"
So, how's about agreeing to get together and share this old world to see
What we can do to put it ~ and us ~ back together again?
Yeah, it sure looks like a Humpty Dumpty...
You heard about what happened to Humpty Dumpty, didn't you?
Well, I guess he got too big for the wall he was sitting on...
And this is one, big BUT,
The difference between Humpty Dumpty and a team like you 'n' me 'n' whoever else likes sharing is
We can do real magic,
Turn our chemistry inside-out
Change or spots so your body turns the color of your
spots, which can turn the color of your body!
We are all made of one-and-the-same-something
nobody can see but everybody shares
Poor, old Humpty Dumpty was just an
Egg made of runny stuff inside a very, very thin shell
How breakable was he, hah?
The thing about our all being made of "Spirit" is
It can pretty much die, or you sure might
Feel like the little flame of Spirit inside you has been snuffed out
But the beauty of Spirit is it can
Morph, shape-shift, renew itself,
Even change into something brand new
...and much, much MORE!!!
Hardly recognizable, in fact.
I think that is so totally cool, like smashing cool!
My fave stories when I was a kid, was fairytales. In fact,
They were the only books I read or even asked for my birthday ~ well,
Except when I was nine and we were all into exchanging Nancy Drew mystery books
But that was more a friends-sharing-thing.
When I got older and didn't have a best friend
I made Jesus my best friend and only read Jesus stories.
Knowing about him and talking to him in my prayers, even when I was seriously wondering if
He heard me or even existed, got me through all sorts of impossible stuff.
I think of myself anymore as a "live miracle walking on two legs".
Then my idea of Jesus as my best friend morphed slowly, slowly until
now ~ I see that beautiful person who was always my best friend
in all shapes and sizes of beauty in my friends.
So I've always called Shadow, my first dog I got last year,
"my best friend" the same as I used to only feel about Jesus.
Still, whenever he gets sick and throws up I hold him
and pray out loud to Jesus for him to get better, which makes Jesus
OUTSIDE of us and, well, it's so complicated
I don't even understand it.
Shadow doesn't either, but he knows Jesus.
In fact he is only patient whenever I, say, do my I Ching or Tarot readings on my computer
because he knows I'm talking to Jesus,
otherwise, he interrupts my computer work all the time.
See, he knows the difference but doesn't think of trying
to understand, conceptualize, phenomenal-ize Jesus
He just, in a word, is "a friend he can't see"
Shadow has faith in All That Is Good ~ Spirit
I think Spirit is in all of us when we are born
and just about all of us, in tact, or bigger,
when we die
Like, maybe less than 2% of the world's population -
statistically insignificant as a factor in the scheme of things -
lose it, Spirit, by choice,
somewhere along the way
and wind up dying without it.
It just takes a couple of bad apples to make
a helluva big mess in one bash of a party
that takes 8 times as long to clean up.
Considering, after you do the math, the probabilities are still
pretty excellent, like a chance greater than 98%
to put this planet back together again
in one piece, or in one Peace [pun intended].
So, I figure, why wait?
Shadow is used to miracles because he knows
I depend on them, like it's normal...
Speaking of normal, Shadow just interrupted to remind me I promised him and Smokey
They could play outside after 9 when they can bark legally but now
Smokey is barking compulsively so I have to go get him...
That’s life, I guess
Infinitely complicated beyond even pretending to understand or judge and
Just plain common-sense-simple even your pets get it.
That's sharing, doing stuff together,
When I'm upset the whole house is upset and when I am happy and sing
Like most of the time I'm awake, even right now,
Everybody gets happy then yawns as they get relaxed.
To think such a phenomenon "Spirit", when applied in everyday life
Gets easy, with a little effort.
I wish more people would make an effort at feeling "Spirit" again in their hearts
Because it would sure make my job a lot easier.
I think I'll go do my prayer-divination thing now and keep bugging "Jesus" to
Light a fire under our collective pants.
We Gotta Get Our Act Together So We Can Be It on the Road
What we can do to put it ~ and us ~ back together again?
Yeah, it sure looks like a Humpty Dumpty...
You heard about what happened to Humpty Dumpty, didn't you?
Well, I guess he got too big for the wall he was sitting on...
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the king's horses,
And all the king's men,
Couldn't put Humpty together again.
And this is one, big BUT,
The difference between Humpty Dumpty and a team like you 'n' me 'n' whoever else likes sharing is
We can do real magic,
Turn our chemistry inside-out
Change or spots so your body turns the color of your
spots, which can turn the color of your body!
We are all made of one-and-the-same-something
nobody can see but everybody shares
Poor, old Humpty Dumpty was just an
Egg made of runny stuff inside a very, very thin shell
How breakable was he, hah?
The thing about our all being made of "Spirit" is
It can pretty much die, or you sure might
Feel like the little flame of Spirit inside you has been snuffed out
But the beauty of Spirit is it can
Morph, shape-shift, renew itself,
Even change into something brand new
...and much, much MORE!!!
Hardly recognizable, in fact.
I think that is so totally cool, like smashing cool!
My fave stories when I was a kid, was fairytales. In fact,
They were the only books I read or even asked for my birthday ~ well,
Except when I was nine and we were all into exchanging Nancy Drew mystery books
But that was more a friends-sharing-thing.
When I got older and didn't have a best friend
I made Jesus my best friend and only read Jesus stories.
Knowing about him and talking to him in my prayers, even when I was seriously wondering if
He heard me or even existed, got me through all sorts of impossible stuff.
I think of myself anymore as a "live miracle walking on two legs".
Then my idea of Jesus as my best friend morphed slowly, slowly until
now ~ I see that beautiful person who was always my best friend
in all shapes and sizes of beauty in my friends.
So I've always called Shadow, my first dog I got last year,
"my best friend" the same as I used to only feel about Jesus.
Still, whenever he gets sick and throws up I hold him
and pray out loud to Jesus for him to get better, which makes Jesus
OUTSIDE of us and, well, it's so complicated
I don't even understand it.
Shadow doesn't either, but he knows Jesus.
In fact he is only patient whenever I, say, do my I Ching or Tarot readings on my computer
because he knows I'm talking to Jesus,
otherwise, he interrupts my computer work all the time.
See, he knows the difference but doesn't think of trying
to understand, conceptualize, phenomenal-ize Jesus
He just, in a word, is "a friend he can't see"
Shadow has faith in All That Is Good ~ Spirit
I think Spirit is in all of us when we are born
and just about all of us, in tact, or bigger,
when we die
Like, maybe less than 2% of the world's population -
statistically insignificant as a factor in the scheme of things -
lose it, Spirit, by choice,
somewhere along the way
and wind up dying without it.
It just takes a couple of bad apples to make
a helluva big mess in one bash of a party
that takes 8 times as long to clean up.
Considering, after you do the math, the probabilities are still
pretty excellent, like a chance greater than 98%
to put this planet back together again
in one piece, or in one Peace [pun intended].
So, I figure, why wait?
Shadow is used to miracles because he knows
I depend on them, like it's normal...
Speaking of normal, Shadow just interrupted to remind me I promised him and Smokey
They could play outside after 9 when they can bark legally but now
Smokey is barking compulsively so I have to go get him...
That’s life, I guess
Infinitely complicated beyond even pretending to understand or judge and
Just plain common-sense-simple even your pets get it.
That's sharing, doing stuff together,
When I'm upset the whole house is upset and when I am happy and sing
Like most of the time I'm awake, even right now,
Everybody gets happy then yawns as they get relaxed.
To think such a phenomenon "Spirit", when applied in everyday life
Gets easy, with a little effort.
I wish more people would make an effort at feeling "Spirit" again in their hearts
Because it would sure make my job a lot easier.
I think I'll go do my prayer-divination thing now and keep bugging "Jesus" to
Light a fire under our collective pants.
We Gotta Get Our Act Together So We Can Be It on the Road