Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Tarot Reading ~ April 11

Monday, April 11, 2005 at 8:54:48 PM

  • To cut to the chase, I feel, as do too many of my women-friends, growing bitterness and acrimony with the men who profess their “love” without a shred of evidence proving understanding what love and affirmation in partnership is.

    Horoscope Spread
    1 The Magus
    We are used to thinking of the Magus as one who can demonstrate hands-on magic, as in healing, alchemical transmutation, charging of talismans and the like. The modern Magus is a person who can complete the circuit between heaven and Earth. But we sometimes forget that at the birth of Tarot, even a gifted healer who was not an ordained clergyperson was considered to be in league with the Devil! For protection's sake, the line between fooling the eye with sleight of hand, and charging the world with magical will was much less well articulated in the early Tarot cards.
    Waite's image of the solitary ritualist communing with the spirits of the elements, with its formal arrangement of symbols and postures, is a token of the freedom we have in the 20th century to declare our spiritual politics without fear of reprisal. The older cards were never so explicit about what the Magus was doing! So you can keep your imagination open with this card, and see yourself manifesting something unique, guided by evolutionary forces that emerge spontaneously from within.

Position 1: House of Identity
A re gathering of lost fragments allows you to connect to your Higher Self.

The Judgment card symbolizes redemption — a wake-up call combined with the re-integration of missing parts of your self. The common image of people rising out of the grave symbolizes various aspects of the whole self returning to consciousness: subconscious contents, dream time visions, the emotional body, the soul itself. These are aspects of yourself that had been neglected, sacrificed, sublimated, destroyed, lost or simply undiscovered. A process of transformation allows you to access them consciously. The experience of subtle dimensions is a mystery words cannot explain. One can only be receptive to profound moments of reckoning when they come.
Position 2: House of Work
You are provided with circumstances that cultivate both the genius and the support necessary to manifest a vision.
When the Three of Coins is in this position, your environment encourages you to blossom, and supports your genius with materials, security and acknowledgment. This is a matrix that includes both the genius and the support group necessary to manifest your vision. Listen carefully to your universe. It matters not whether you are playing the leadership role or are in a supportive position this time around. This card indicates that when your turn comes, support for your success will be there.
Position 3: House of Ideas
Use your emotional mastery without letting yourself be overwhelmed.
With the Queen of Cups in this position, learn to utilize your remarkable emotional sensitivity and keen intuition without being overwhelmed by what you learn. The Queen of Cups is so naturally psychic, that the simple act of being an ordinary human can be a challenge. This person surfs the collective psyche with ease. She is wise in many ways; the challenge is to remain grounded. Do what you can to assimilate the benefits of this watery, trance-like, multi-dimensioned consciousness without allowing it to interfere with practical goals and responsibilities. Let your beautiful openness leave room for awareness and discrimination.
Position 4: House of the Family
Consciously choose generous and egalitarian uses of power.

The King of Wands in this position suggests that you have a reflex that when activated automatically arouses you to gain the upper hand lest you find yourself controlled by others. This instinct was honed to a fine degree through long exposure in the past to a situation or personality that attempted to control every aspect of your personal uniqueness and expression. As a result you are exquisitely attuned to unequal power dynamics in every setting. Find new and creative ways to balance the scales. Beware of being rigid and inflexible even in the face of other people’s rigidity and inflexibility.
Position 5: House of Magic
Learn what you can from past attachments.

The Lovers card in this position suggests that you recently dealt with some strong attraction or difficult choice. Perhaps something dramatic happened, some kind of split or opposition, but not necessarily. Perhaps you have been harboring two different identities, and need to create greater integration within yourself. There is probably a lesson here to do with commitment.
Position 6: House of Apprenticeship
Don’t allow your imagination to run away with itself when your higher priority is to learn and be of service.
The Page of Cups in this position has a higher calling than the acting out of personal dreams. Perhaps he or she is called upon to act as a messenger, or to quietly inject an important healing element into an emotionally loaded situation. The work of this Page is often subtle; it emanates a vibration or feeling rather than necessarily doing anything specific. Adopt an attitude of service. Make yourself useful by accommodating to the situation’s most sensitive dimensions. It is not the Page’s role to assert his ego or promote a personal agenda. Considerable humility is required, but it’s a wonderful opportunity to be the eyes and ears of Spirit during a time of pivotal events. Sometimes the servant is the real leader.
Position 7: House of Relationships
Be grateful for the intimate assessment you are about to receive.
When Justice is in this position, you will have an opportunity to see something of yours critiqued. You will be able to see which parts have substance and which are undeveloped. Interesting new questions will emerge. The penetrating intelligence of your adjudicator will show you how closely your personal vision matches standards of balance and harmony. This judge is the grandmother of humanity in whose mind resides tribal law. When you come before her with your questions and needs, she cuts to the quick and reveals the solution. Be humble and receptive when you come before Justice. Do not resort to denial if she reveals your unfinished business.
Position 8: House of Secrets
Preoccupation with externals obstructs your purpose; focus instead on the inner reality.
The Ten of Wands in this position indicates you are placing too much value on outwardly oriented pursuits when what you are truly seeking — inner peace — is being neglected. Ask yourself if you purposely invite distractions into your life to keep from feeling and having what you are truly longing for, your source of true passion. If that seems true, decide what changes you will make to keep from obstructing inner progress any further.
Position 9: House of Visions
Allies can help you dialogue, role play or serve as a “devil’s advocate” so you can gain insight into your situation.
In this position, the Two of Coins advises that you find somebody who will dialogue or role play with you or serve as a “devil’s advocate.” This person should have good information and experience in the area where you feel stuck or thwarted. As you role play, be sure to take both sides, including that of an adversary if you have one. Let your ally guide you through all the dimensions of the problem. This process may lead you to discover that the situation is not as serious as you thought. In any case, you want your ideas to be as grounded as possible.
Position 10: House of Reputation
Have the serenity of knowing you are succeeding at what you came here to achieve.

The World in this position is giving you permission to do whatever you want. It’s not that you can do no wrong, but that your motivation is so close to what divine nature wants that even if you commit an error, it will be turned to the greater good. No need to stop and check yourself all the time or interrupt your spontaneity with calculation.
Don’t doubt yourself and look for consensus or affirmation from others. Simply dance the dance — express yourself, react naturally, emanate instinct and impulse, and let the chips fall where they may. What matters is divine intention; whether humans approve is less important. If you allow your ego to get inflated, however, you cease to be useful to the greater plan.
Position 11: House of the Future
Trust that the path toward the heart is correct for you.
When the Ace of Cups is in this position, the long term potential of your situation points to bonding, mutual understanding and harmony. As this card draws together the influences of the other cards in this spread, you can be sure that hearts are opened, veils are lifted, and discarded vessels patched and filled. There is enough regard and approval to heal the hearts of the people involved. Persevere with this situation no matter what it asks of you, because you will receive priceless training in how to follow the heart. You can trust this path and the people you are walking it with.
Position 12: House of Surrender
Surrender your need to be the authority and strive for a more universal perspective.

The Ace of Swords in this position requires you to relinquish any attachment to being “right.” As long as you value your supposed righteousness more than an open mind, you will not learn and progress. Strive to become more objective. Separate your own interests from the greater good. When you sacrifice the idea of being popular, you can fulfill the more challenging responsibility of representing things as they are. Instead of clinging to limited self interest, pursue a more universal perspective. You won’t lose anything that’s truly yours, but the ego has to yield to make room for this kind of clarity.

  • 9:20:38 PM
    Jesus incarnated to symbolize the mindset of civilization to the present: he ritualized the sacrificial lamb, the lepers, the vulnerable in his Passion. Nobody has learned that the Hanged Man was outdated with Jesus’ Passion. More, Jesus is not renowned for his daily life filled with healing compassion he shared with his travel companions—women and beggars.

    Horoscope Spread
    12 Hanged Man
    This card invariably indicates a lack of ability to help yourself through independent action. Whether this is because one is trussed and awaiting judgment, as in the usual image, or because one is female and therefore culturally pressured to take a passive role (as in the Prudence variant), there is no avenue for the will to achieve control until this situation has passed.
    This is a time to be philosophical, to study and meditate upon the position you find yourself in, and form resolutions for the moment you become free again. Only those who possess wisdom, patience, and optimism will be able to see through limitations and possible humiliation, to grasp the inspiration one can gain from such an experience.

Position 1: House of Identity
Having the right vehicle to carry you, you are speeding toward victory.

The Chariot is a symbol of victory through mental control. The feeling of this card reminds us of an athlete poised for the starting gun. When the signal comes, he or she hits the ground running. The Chariot is not about the security of castle and moat. No, the Chariot represents an adventurous nature, a desire to seize the reins, a love of the open road. The sphinx-like steeds are anxious to lunge forward and be on their way. This card reminds you to use the powers of your mind to steer that wild excitement and focus the energy, because the urge to action is unstoppable. When you take up the reins of the charioteer, you assume the rapid rise of the culturally, psychologically and technologically advanced and mobile individual, a world class citizen.
Position 2: House of Work
Learn to rely on your own judgment and keep your own counsel.

When the Page of Swords is in this position, you are contending with a person or situation that to some extent is suspicious and untrustworthy. It indicates an environment in which everyone is looking out for himself and no one is quite sure who to trust. You are coping with a climate of pessimism; consequently people are armed and guarded against blame. In this kind of case, what people don’t tell you is just as important as what they do. Be aware of nonverbal clues others may be giving out unconsciously. Work a little harder to understand others’ motives so their behavior doesn’t confuse you. Use your own judgment.
Position 3: House of Ideas
Carefully consider how to deliver knowledge or information clearly and calmly.

When the Page of Wands is in this position, remember that the way in which a message is delivered strongly influences how it is received. Use your power as a messenger to communicate in a manner that produces clarity rather than confusion, optimism rather than cynicism. Although the Page of Wands can stand apart from the news he or she bears, your responsibility is to word your message so that its essence comes through undistorted. Be especially careful not to emphasize the negatives, losses, reversals and so on. Overcome the temptation to be overly dramatic or speak in catastrophic terms.
Position 4: House of the Family
Helped by inspiration from the past, use a higher insight to separate truth from illusion, enthusiasm from intent.

The King of Swords in this position suggests that in your past you have known a person whose wisdom was honed by overcoming challenges with honesty and insight. Remember what this teacher, mentor or role model stood for and adopt that stance. Let this model of wisdom, equality and clear analysis help you discriminate between reality and all the stories people use in defense of their egos. This person’s inspiration is a superb source of inner guidance and courage. Meditating on his or her influence will help give your present life meaning and focus.
Position 5: House of Magic
Sharing common ground with another has opened many possibilities, revealed new facets of your feelings, and inspired new responses.

With the Two of Cups in this position, recent experiences of mutual recognition have touched your heart. This may have influenced your sense of priorities in surprising ways. Observe differences in your awareness, feelings and sensitivities. That which is opening within you is stimulating noble feelings. Neither fight this process nor romanticize it. Let yourself be drawn to the harmonious elements of the situation, but don’t let yourself be swept away or commit too soon. Time will show you if this is just a symbolic wake-up call, or if it’s meant to be followed up with further interaction.
Position 6: House of Apprenticeship
When you combine your talents with the talents of others, you gain the best results.

When the Five of Coins presents in this position, it is favorable to join forces with others — give synergy a chance to occur. Together you can get results that you could never hope to achieve alone. Trust your intuition and the Higher Power that is saying, “Yes, go with this relationship or this mission. This is a true and proper partnership.” The rewards of teamwork will outweigh whatever loss of individual autonomy it may produce.
Position 7: House of Relationships
Sincere and idealistic enthusiasm received from an unexpected source indicates the goal is nearly reached.

With the Knight of Cups in this position, you will be receiving a visitor, message or insight that will open the way to greater optimism, meaning and completion. Be prepared for fulfilling developments that are not only what you had hoped for but what promises to be good for everyone. A transition is at work that is allowing everyone involved to feel upbeat and optimistic. The prodigal son is returning home.
Position 8: House of Secrets
Wait out this time of uncertainty; make no moves until you are calm.

When the Lovers card appears in this position, you are practically immobilized by indecision. You are vacillating between options that appear equal. Perhaps you don’t have enough information to make a comfortable decision. Because of the uncertainty, you are afraid to make any choice, fearing that the wrong one would produce unpredictably negative consequences. You can turn this around if you regain trust in your instincts, intuition and clear-headed powers of reasoning. Otherwise, you run the risk of taking bad advice. Take some time, until you regain your poise.
Position 9: House of Visions
When death and rebirth become like allies, major transformations can be welcomed.
The Death card in this position suggests that you are free from fear. You realize that you are immortal, not attached to this body, and as such there is nothing to lose by taking a risk. You are the perfect person to meet the Reaper and gain the benefit of being pruned or harvested.
This card does not presage physical death. It suggests, however, that by not fearing death or behaving as if you don’t fear death, you cross the barrier and discover your immortal nature. This is not to advocate foolishness. It is to encourage present developments — because when there is nothing to lose you have everything to gain. Under these circumstances, you can’t be intimidated. Such a position makes you spiritually invincible.
Position 10: House of Reputation
Focused action must be taken; appropriate resources are available to draw upon, and the time is ripe.
The Horseman of Wands in this position advises that you modify your self image in order to get a sense of yourself as a person of action. No matter what your past patterns have been, it is fully possible to place yourself solidly on the road toward the future. Not only can you get a clear sense of the proper path, you will have enough instructions to be self directing. Necessary skills and resources are available to you, and the time is right for you to act. Once you get started, you may be surprised how easy it can feel, but don’t be seduced by that feeling. There will be comfortable stretches of the road and there will be distinctly uncomfortable ones, but when you wear the mantle of the Horseman of Wands you know that any form of motion is better than no motion.
Position 11: House of the Future
Stick to your profound quest. It’s well worth the commitment and time it takes.
The Hermit in this position suggests that the line of inquiry you are following has great long term potential. Perhaps you are pursuing a passionate study or a spiritual quest. Any path of mastery will consume major blocks of time and energy. You may be old and gray by the time you answer the questions you are posing. The pursuit of the answers, however, will lead you through profound life-changing experiences. When you make the commitment to this path, others will support you out of respect. Your inner crone or shaman is getting ready to take her place in the seat of leadership and right use of power. Don’t decline the invitation. Wrap your dignity around you and step up to the challenge.
Position 12: House of Surrender
Lay aside judgments and rely instead on your intuition.
The Two of Wands in this position asks you to let go of all previous judgments about better or worse, conservative or radical, right or wrong. Look beyond all the black and white polarities, so you can see the landscape without projections; your intuition is already telling you that to do so is correct. A new set of potentials may be intimated here, unconstrained by former limitations. When those once useful boundaries are lifted, you will know how to act and you will be free to move in a proactive way again.

  • 9:25:38 PM
    The spirit of alpha-male aggression prevails since The Fall. These Aquarian times will successfully chip away at this curse personified by “Men” but it will take so many more lifetimes to end the curse on humanity since Cain and Abel first set the trend of Original Sin.

    Horoscope Spread
    The Ten of Coins,
    the capstone of the numbered Coins, represents the final result of cumulative efforts -- perhaps generations of effort -- culminating in such wealth, abundance, and enterprise that it supports a whole castle or town full of people. The first layer of meaning refers to the dynastic pride of accomplishment that has established this family as a lineage of entrepreneurial souls.
    The flow of resources being so abundant and well established, even the retainers of this family experience abundance, coloring the whole realm with pride and self-respect. This fortune impacts the destiny of all the families who live in the shadow of this noble house, from the liege lord's personal minister down to the lowliest servants. This is the sense in which nobility obligates is possessors, and the obligation must be passed down from generation to generation along with the wealth and privilege.

Position 1: House of Identity
Assess your situation with patience and self restraint.

The Two of Wands in this position indicates a need to stop and get your bearings. Your path has seemed erratic and unclear, necessitating new choices every few steps. Make no moves that will produce permanent consequences until you have worked your way through this period of confusion, insecurity and lack of clarity. Uncertainty will pass and you will see the bigger picture again. If you are patient and sincere, the right path will be revealed to you.
Position 2: House of Work
An uninterrupted period of contemplation and peace.
When the Hermit is in this position, you have plenty of privacy available to you. The usual supervisors, critics and back seat drivers have disappeared for a while. You can pull away and study the situation without the interference of others’ personalities and agendas. This is a wonderful opportunity for contemplation. It’s possible in a situation like this that you will experience some precognition, feeling and sensing the direction of what is to come. Pay close attention to and share whatever insights and directions you might receive.
Position 3: House of Ideas
Escape to your sanctuary to do some necessary internal work.
The Four of Swords in this position urges you to find a place and time for quiet reflection.. You are probably over-stimulated, having made yourself too indispensable. This card represents the tribal, familial or cultural qualities passed to you by your ancestors that mark and define you, that make you the unique individual you are. Acknowledge how much you have neglected your inner life and resolve to budget time and energy to tend to this vault of treasures. We need to get away from the outer life occasionally to do an internal audit, to create a new strategy, or to envision alternative paths. Without a retreat into quiet time, you cannot expect to marshal our very best resources for the challenges and opportunities ahead. Break away from your preoccupations and find a “cave” for the internal work which may be crucial to emerging developments.
Position 4: House of the Family
Your familial style has endowed you with the ability to choose people who are emotionally healthy for your friends and lovers.
The Ace of Cups in this position suggests that you intimated what love is at an early age. As a result you have created a lifestyle in which a bonded and connected core group of people support you even when you cant be physically present with them. Whether this is your family of origin or an intentional family you have gathered around yourself, it provides an emotional, psychic and spiritual safety net. A foundation of security and encouragement strengthens you for whatever you have to face at the moment.
Position 5: House of Magic
Passionate energy has expressed itself. Now what?
The Devil card in this position suggests that some events had gotten more out of control than you ever imagined. This doesn’t necessarily mean that a terrible thing has happened, just that there has been an abundance of raw energy. This could turn out well or badly, depending upon how well you are able to channel the passions. Reevaluate what you expect of yourself and where you can take this situation. Look at the big picture and determine what outcome you would like to see happen, then energetically promote it. If you are not tenacious and proactive, you will be swept away. You have a better opportunity than others around you to harness the energy.
Position 6: House of Apprenticeship
Surrender to the feelings of the heart, your sensitivity and intuition.

When the Queen of Cups comes up in this position, it’s as if an inner oracle is preparing to impart a profoundly powerful message to you. Meditate and listen carefully for it. Whether this is happening because of some stressful situation or accident — or simply because you have reached a level of serenity where your higher faculties are naturally awakening — it truly doesn’t matter. The important thing is that the Queen of Cups represents a heart-connection and receptivity to a higher source, a look into your world with the eye of Spirit. There is no reason to resist this energy. After such an experience, you see reality quite differently. Try to jot down some of your insights. If you process them consciously, you will have inspiring material to work with in future weeks and months.
Position 7: House of Relationships
Humbly seek out the most trustworthy advisors and allies you can find.

The Four of Coins in this position suggests that something of great value will soon be given to you. This situation points to the classic dilemma of an heir whose wealthy parents die before he or she is fully mature. Sometimes no will or sensible handlers can save such an heir from making bad investments and stupid mistakes. Although it may feel awkward, your best bet is to be humble and seek out the most trustworthy advisors and allies you can find. Let them tutor you so you can prepare yourself for this advantage when it comes.
Position 8: House of Secrets
There’s more to be gained from postponing or sharing the workload than from trying to do it all yourself.

When the Nine of Wands falls in this position, it may be time to admit that you are not irreplaceable. The truth is, no one person can play all the roles on a team and cover all the bases adequately. You may have been the parent of a brilliant idea, plan or project, but if you aren’t able to share the responsibilities and the rewards, you may be prevented from achieving anything at all. Before it’s too late, call in some competent people, turn things over to them, take some time out and regain your objectivity. You can gain more from taking some rest and learning how to trust than you could possibly have produced by trying to do everything yourself.
Position 9: House of Visions
Take advantage of an excellent opportunity to confer with sages or experts; such opportunities are rare.

The Six of Swords in this position tells you that someone in your immediate circle could serve you as an ideal sounding board. This person understands the issues. Mature and objective, he or she knows how the process works. A little mentioning from this person is worth more than all the how-to books you could find. Don’t be too proud to ask for this person’s help — it’s not common to have such excellent resources so close at hand. Humility and asking for what you want are in order. This is a great chance to ask questions, request assistance, pursue expert opinion and deliberate with others who are seekers like you. Keep scrupulous notes; they could help you piece together a truly brilliant game plan that will both meet current needs and win you a wider sphere of influence.
Position 10: House of Reputation
Unveil and showcase your skills and talents.
The Three of Coins in this position suggests that you let the world see your unique capabilities. Let the world in on who you are; expect recognition, accept it and savor it. Allow others to see your accomplishments. Expect new offers and when they come, accept them. Don’t hide your light under a bushel basket. And avoid false modesty — it doesn’t become you. Practice saying to yourself, “Thank you, I accept your compliment” until you really can let the experience into your heart with graceful ease.
Position 11: House of the Future
Use your talent for pairing others’ skills to the work that needs to be done.
The Six of Coins in this position indicates that whatever you do now to help other people is going to return to you later in the form of many blessings. Do your best to operate from altruistic motives, sharing your riches and creating new opportunities, and your investment will confer huge dividends. The universe evolves faster with cooperation. Be like a matchmaker, linking people and their capacities to the work that needs to be done. In this way, you are helping them earn a place at the table when the rewards come in. What fantastic synergy!
Position 12: House of Surrender
You are best served by working for collective success rather than pursuing your own ambitions.
The Three of Wands in this position requires that you surrender your small personal agenda to larger forces now at work. Nature can show the way and when you boldly accept that truth and adjust to it, you will be supported by it. You will benefit only when you agree to serve the whole; in other words, your best personal success is a collective success.

  • 9:31:40 PM
    My first astrologer told me one of my karmic tasks of this life was to forgive the man in my life for his afflictions on me in a previous incarnation. I extend this to the need of “Fall Guys” to forgive the predators, aggressor-abusers who victimized them in “ethnic cleansings”, pogroms, domestic violence, child abuse since The Fall.

    Horoscope Spread
    12 Hanged Man

    This card invariably indicates a lack of ability to help yourself through independent action. Whether this is because one is trussed and awaiting judgment, as in the usual image, or because one is female and therefore culturally pressured to take a passive role (as in the Prudence variant), there is no avenue for the will to achieve control until this situation has passed.
    This is a time to be philosophical, to study and meditate upon the position you find yourself in, and form resolutions for the moment you become free again. Only those who possess wisdom, patience, and optimism will be able to see through limitations and possible humiliation, to grasp the inspiration one can gain from such an experience.

Position 1: House of Identity
Decisiveness and a willingness to lead produce tangible rewards.
When the Queen of Wands is in this position, you are likened to a highly intelligent manager who not only wants to know about everything that’s going on in her environment, but also to be involved in and administer everything. The Queen of Wands has a directive and energetic nature; she is goal oriented and practical. She’s often typified as a farm wife who is as busy as the day is long, from spring through fall, overseeing any number of activities related to agriculture, animal husbandry, raising and educating children and taking the crops to market. Like this queen of the operation, you have your hands full; you are the axis of production. It’s a joyful experience to contribute so much that is so tangible.
Position 2: House of Work
When each member of a group becomes self-directing, hierarchies can be transformed and the situation organized in a more equalitarian way.
When the Nine of Wands falls in this position, a situation is calling for re-organization. The current structure of a group is actually damaging the leadership it depends upon for survival. The person who has been keeping everybody motivated or on track would be best served by taking some time off to rest and regenerate. The ideal solution is for each participant to become as self-directing as possible. This will actually be an evolutionary step in the group consciousness, with the leaders or role models no longer as vulnerable to criticism or resentment from those they have been trying to inspire and direct. Instead of one person being the hero, everybody can share both the responsibilities and the rewards.
Position 3: House of Ideas
Stay focused on the common good rather than personal compensation.
When the Queen of Coins is in this position, the challenge is to keep your eye on the collective best interest and carefully de-emphasize personal reward. The depth of sensuality the Queen is capable of experiencing supports her incredible good sense and feel for nature. She instinctively knows what kind of action or response is appropriate. But it can also be very distracting when she is not attending to productivity and organization. She works hard, she plays hard, and sometimes on the weekend she spends all the profit she made during the week. It helps to have an environment that gently nudges her back to her concern for productivity, so she doesn’t get lost in how much fun she is having and how fully she can feel all the nuances of earthy life. The challenge is to stay focused on highest priorities.
Position 4: House of the Family
Deep within, you have reason not to fall back on inertia. Use it to sharpen your attention.
The Four of Cups in this position suggests that you have experienced fallow times wherein you were uninspired, listless, even apathetic. At times like this, you might be tempted to disassociate and entertain yourself with fantasy instead of challenging yourself to keep growing and stay strong. It’s a luxury to be able to coast and not be an active force in your own life. There is a cost, however, in the form of dependence that leaves you open to extremes you won’t be prepared for. By recalling such past experiences, you can prevent yourself from slipping into that old powerless place. Use those memories to ensure that you will not lose track of events as they unfold around you. If you recognize how easily these lapses could happen again, you can take steps to avoid falling into the dependent position you used to settle for.
Position 5: House of Magic
You know that the positive feelings you have for others are reciprocated.
With the Three of Cups in this position, you have the security and enjoyment of knowing that the people you care about most, also care about you. This is a card of love returned — not in a sexual sense, but in a sisterly or brotherly, a close and friendly sense. Here there is no feeling of sibling rivalry. Instead, we have a chance for our needs to be met and our hearts and self esteem fulfilled. It’s such a blessing when times as uncomplicated as these happen for us. Even though the moment may be brief, cherish the memory and if you can, write it in your journal before it fades. You deserve to preserve this reminder and keep it available to you so you remember the times in your life when everything was working well.
Position 6: House of Apprenticeship
Divine power trusts you to do the right thing.

When Justice comes up in this position, you are given the sword and scales to mediate an important debate, contract or negotiation. Two decidedly non-neutral parties are arguing a case before you as you sit in the seat of the village elder, the wise person. Your task is to find the balance point. Do not be swayed by sentiment, cut deals or do favors. Listen closely, then state the truth, guided by your Higher Power. Show each party how to surrender selfish considerations and cooperate around the most even-handed solution.
Position 7: House of Relationships
Now is the time to start expressing some spontaneous creativity.
When the Magus is in this position, you are divinely inspired by a person, situation, or a catalytic experience. It is reminding you to appreciate who you really are and to let yourself shine. This is your moment to reveal your natural talents and gifts. Most likely you will find a receptive audience and achieve positive results. Imagine yourself as a spark of genius creating new and brilliant connections, much to everyone’s great delight. Forget performance anxiety and get on with the show — you will be brilliant.
Position 8: House of Secrets
Fear is at the heart of whatever resistance or negativity you are experiencing.
The Death card in this position represents the fear of death, annihilation, oblivion, the fear that you will cease to exist. As you search your heart, you may discover that the cause of your resistance is the fear that you will be made inconsequential, that your contribution will be forgotten. Your rational mind knows this isn’t going to happen. You have lived too long and made too many moves to be so totally extinguished. But something inside fears being snuffed out. You must address this fear, because it’s inhibiting your willingness to take risks and act on your best interests and creative urges. It stands solidly in your way.
Position 9: House of Visions
Great intelligence and insight are joining your cause.

In this position, the Queen of Swords suggests that a canny, articulate and mentally imposing person is joining your team. This queen represents the most intelligent personality of the Tarot’s Minor Arcana. This is someone who thinks holistically, does not overpersonalize, understands the effects of time and penetrates deeply. This queen is traditionally thought of as the therapist of the Minors. You may be somewhat awed by this person — and rightly so, because this is a warrior of the mind, and he or she is now your ally! This gives you a tremendous opportunity not only to get some issues resolved but to observe a master at work. Watch closely to see if you can assimilate some of her style.
Position 10: House of Reputation
Wait until the timing is right and all the facts are clear before taking action.
The Two of Swords in this position advises that this is not a good time to make a decision. Don’t allow yourself to be pushed beyond your boundaries and don’t let yourself act impulsively. You need to fully assimilate the situation before making any moves. Not having a final solution as soon as you want one can cause tension, and it is tempting to make a decision before the timing is right. Patience. There are circumstances in which action is better than non-action, but this is not one of them. Be still; quiet yourself and allow things to settle. You don’t have enough information yet; all the evidence isn’t in. A little meditation will help you achieve greater objectivity.
Position 11: House of the Future
When you realize you can stop being worried or stressed, decide how you would use your energy in a positive way.
With the Ten of Coins in this position, the long term potential is that from here you can financially secure yourself in a way that could, with care, last for several generations. You and yours are going to be well taken care of. Now what will you do with the energy you will no longer spend being afraid, worried or stressed out? What new kind of power does it bring you to have this level of security? Study how you got there and articulate it, then teach the steps to others. Express your passion in this way.
Position 12: House of Surrender
Accept a leadership role, but acknowledge that it is temporary.

The Six of Wands in this position signifies a growing demand for your unique perspective on a collective project ,even though it may not be of your design and you may not feel overly identified with it. You may have no choice but to be pushed forward as a figurehead or symbol, at least for a short while; there is no avoiding it. Under the circumstances, graciously accepting the designation doesn’t mean you must take it on forever, because eventually the distinction will be given to somebody else. Accept your duty for now and play the part — the torch is being handed to you for now.

  • 9:36:04 PM
    Is there any way of using the exponential times of transformation to hasten the enlightenment of humans to their continued enaction of predator upon victim, that dynamic equality in community might be realized sooner—even within my lifetime, which I see as extendable by upcoming bio-technology discoveries and related inventions?

    Horoscope Spread
    The Four of Coins
    has been used to express the paradoxical aspect of material security, the two-edged reality that results when you have been well supported and protected. It all sounds idyllic until one investigates the level of demand that prosperity places upon people -- the pressure of big decisions, responsibilities toward dependents or employees, even tougher decisions in times of instability.
    An immature person thrust into such a position would lack the perspective to sensibly assess risks and rewards, would be vulnerable to bad advice or surprise developments, could even put the lives of his loyal assistants at risk. This card also points to the subtler dependencies that comfort encourages, allowing laxness and self-indulgence to quietly invade one's reserve of will power. The person who this card represents needs to move slowly and deliberately if change is required, as the consequences will affect more than just her or himself.

Position 1: House of Identity
Layers of illusion are removed; your essential self is disclosed.
With the Moon in this position, you are cast into your deepest unknown. Not to be seen as either bad or good, this is an opportunity to penetrate your inner life. You may be familiar with this experience or you may never have experienced it before in your life. You are moving between worlds, shifting and modifying. Reality changes from hour to hour; your rational mind has deserted you, leaving instinct and intuition as your guides. All the architecture of civilization has been stripped from your personality and you are naked unto yourself.
Position 2: House of Work
Potential remains dormant and requires leadership or direction to arouse it.

When the Four of Cups is in this position, your situation is pregnant with possibilities, but not yet stimulated into action. Vast potential power is languishing, dozing in the sun, unaroused. Something exciting, focusing or catalytic is required. The situation is begging for some direction or a new statement of purpose. This is both good and bad. On the plus side, anything is possible; all the raw ingredients for success are in place. On the other side, without leadership and a goal, the result is likely to be unfocused and chaotic. Look to the “Self” card to get a sense of whether you are the hand bringing in the fiery cup or whether you are merely witnessing an opportunity that is waiting to happen.
Position 3: House of Ideas
Carefully consider how to deliver knowledge or information clearly and calmly.

When the Page of Wands is in this position, remember that the way in which a message is delivered strongly influences how it is received. Use your power as a messenger to communicate in a manner that produces clarity rather than confusion, optimism rather than cynicism. Although the Page of Wands can stand apart from the news he or she bears, your responsibility is to word your message so that its essence comes through undistorted. Be especially careful not to emphasize the negatives, losses, reversals and so on. Overcome the temptation to be overly dramatic or speak in catastrophic terms.
Position 4: House of the Family
Although they were learned under difficult circumstances, the skills and outlook gained in the past are now proving tremendously helpful.
The Six of Swords in this position indicates an earlier life circumstance that gave you a head start on certain practical and necessary survival skills that are proving to be quite valuable. At the time it may have felt oppressive, exacting or overwhelming to be faced with this body of information, technical skill or special ability. To be held to high and exacting standards may have felt harsh at the time, but the experience has contributed tremendously to your useful abilities and self discipline in the face of challenges. Be grateful for the education you received (unwittingly or not) before you were old enough to consent to it or mature enough to appreciate it. Use your hard-won knowledge, and rejoice in having it.
Position 5: House of Magic
Take responsibility for your own world of feelings.

When the Queen of Cups is in this position, you have just had or witnessed an experience of intuitive learning and communicating from the heart. Perhaps you have been in the presence of someone whose primary mode of learning and communication is emotional rather than logical. Or perhaps it is you yourself who has had a noteworthy experience of heart-centered activity. If this is unfamiliar territory, notice that the wisdom of the heart can be as effective as the intelligence of the mind, sometimes more so. Learn to appreciate the strengths of a heart-centered approach and let your heart open a little more. Become more familiar with your own innate sensitivity. Don’t leave all the processing of feelings to those around you.
Position 6: House of Apprenticeship
As core truths emerge, accept their influence and allow your life to be changed.
When the Queen of Swords comes up in this position, your inner grandmother is taking her throne. Male or female, we all have living within us a wise crone or powerful Queen of Heaven figure, a mature mother archetype. She is stepping forward now in your own psyche. Her higher reasoning is flowing into your consciousness, helping you see things in a broader way. This involves a peeling away of appearances to yield a clearer disclosure of core issues. She is trying to remind you about what is true, what works and what you can do to positively affect your situation. Don’t resist her; accept her influence.
Position 7: House of Relationships
Take any opportunity to rest and regroup that you can. Needed perspective will come via quiet contemplation.

With the Four of Swords in this position, you could very soon gain an opportunity to change the pattern of your emotional and mental life. A break in your usually busy lifestyle will give you time for deeper reflection. As a result, you may cease to identify with old resentments and angers. Events or exchanges that formerly triggered your reactions could be diffused through a new or greater understanding. You will have the chance to gain objectivity about yourself and nurture your better qualities. Don’t take action until you have meditated on the overall situation, have cut through the emotional layers and learned to free yourself from programmed responses.
Position 8: House of Secrets
Focus some energy on personal pursuits to develop greater spontaneity and creativity.

When the Eight of Coins falls in this position, you may be at a point where you have mastered your work but have neglected your inner self. Are you exhibiting any of the tendencies of a workaholic? Beware of becoming so fixated on the process that you lose yourself. Ask yourself what the purpose is for working so hard and make sure your answers are good ones. If you tell yourself you are doing it for your family, ask them if they agree with you; you may be surprised at what you learn. Your work is not your single highest value. Cultivate other activities to avoid becoming a robot.
Position 9: House of Visions
Allies can help you dialogue, role play or serve as a “devil’s advocate” so you can gain insight into your situation.
In this position, the Two of Coins advises that you find somebody who will dialogue or role play with you or serve as a “devil’s advocate.” This person should have good information and experience in the area where you feel stuck or thwarted. As you role play, be sure to take both sides, including that of an adversary if you have one. Let your ally guide you through all the dimensions of the problem. This process may lead you to discover that the situation is not as serious as you thought. In any case, you want your ideas to be as grounded as possible.
Position 10: House of Reputation
Admit that you have sacrificed time and energy on a situation that simply doesn’t work.
The Nine of Swords in this position advises you to face your fear of being alone, and release the impediments that have held you back. Face the limits you have put on yourself in many different ways. In the name of being “safe,” you have held yourself to lower standards than you knew you could achieve, or you have resisted striking out on your own. Perhaps you have bargained away creativity and joy in order to avoid controversy. These kind of tradeoffs never work. Cut your losses and recognize how much time and energy you have sacrificed to a way of being that’s not right for you. If you can do this you will look back at this time in your life as a turning point. This is an opportunity to heal as you shed a heavy burden that is weighing you down.
Position 11: House of the Future
You have the capacity and will to become the master of a fertile and bountiful endeavor.
When the Eight of Wands is in this position, your persistence has the potential to produce splendid artistry that would reflect not only your ideals but society’s cherished values. You can create an environment in which others can feel their highest, most expansive and optimistic selves. Your level of skill matches your ambition to organize, supervise and accomplish such a large endeavor. Your energy and enthusiasm are contagious and can draw others in to enjoy the benefits.
Position 12: House of Surrender
Surrender your need to be the authority and strive for a more universal perspective.
The Ace of Swords in this position requires you to relinquish any attachment to being “right.” As long as you value your supposed righteousness more than an open mind, you will not learn and progress. Strive to become more objective. Separate your own interests from the greater good. When you sacrifice the idea of being popular, you can fulfill the more challenging responsibility of representing things as they are. Instead of clinging to limited self interest, pursue a more universal perspective. You won’t lose anything that’s truly yours, but the ego has to yield to make room for this kind of clarity.

  • 9:44:39 PM
    Given the above premises are true, I maintain that the superior effect of healing in music, specifically the human voice, initially enhanced by visual in film-medium, would be the communication tool of choice to disseminate the Aquarian attitude of compassion, equality and honouring, celebrating our unique qualities within ourselves, among humans and communities.

    Horoscope Spread
    The Page of Swords
    represents a messenger, an emissary or liaison between separate camps, charged with faithfully representing to one side's communications to the other. Because of this role, we do not think of this Page as a servant, but rather as a diplomat, facilitating sensitive negotiations, often under difficult conditions. He is acting as the "eyes and ears" of his employer, and so he is sometimes called "The Watchman." Even kings are powerless if this Page chooses to use his access to sensitive information for his own gain, as is implied by his other name, "The Spy."
    He could even be working as a double agent, playing both sides against each other to serve his own agenda. His title of Page is really camouflage in itself, serving as protective coloration so he can move among the people unrecognized, collecting information anonymously. His vigilance often conceals an ulterior motive. He is a watcher who must himself be watched, because he dreams of someday taking matters into his own hands, preempting the plans of his employers.

Position 1: House of Identity
True justice balances the scales to serve the greater good.
The Justice card asks you to distinguish between desire and need. Justice carries the scales and sword of legal probity, but in her heart she is attempting to understand what is behind the conflict so she can meet the needs on both sides. Justice is not always meted equally across the board, however. Sometimes one side must be treated differently than the other. The fundamental concept is the greatest good for the greatest number.
Position 2: House of Work
Refuse to believe that you know anything. Stay fluid.
When the Moon is in this position, the leadership of your world has collapsed and fallen in on itself. Things are not what they seem any more. Everyone seems delusionary, claiming their illusion is legitimate and absolute. Battle lines are being drawn. It may be best to slink into the shadows and wait this situation out. If you must navigate this landscape, stay in the light as much as you can, and steer a middle course between extremes. Whatever could possibly happen, will. Stay alert and you can avoid getting sucked into any vortexes.
Position 3: House of Ideas
Help make the invisible visible.

The Hierophant in this position points to someone who is recognized and respected for the qualities that once made them seem strange to others. People like this see into the invisible spaces, communicate with animals, plants or the elements, and generally live in the world but are not bound to it. Although an extra degree of sensitivity to your experience of life has at times seemed a setback, the Hierophant is now in a position to make it pay. This is a specialist, a person with a gift. With self discipline, you can turn your unique point of view into a path of service.
Position 4: House of the Family
Now that you have perspective, make teaching peace and higher reasoning the priority.
The Horseman of Swords in this position suggests extensive experience with taking on rigorous challenge, having navigated mine fields any number of times. You may be a seasoned warrior, but there is no need to throw yourself into the fray mindlessly. You no longer have to prove your prowess. Pass your hard-won knowledge to others so your effectiveness can be passed on. By shifting your focus to educating others, you can teach them not to waste themselves in fruitless wrangling, aggressive posturing or baseless threats. Cool off the hotheads and help them mature from callow youth into seasoned warriors like yourself. This is the best use of your experiential wisdom in this situation.
Position 5: House of Magic
You have passed a test of self control and personal mastery. Now you can proceed with confidence.
You have seen yourself assuming the mantle of a lion tamer, a sublimator of instinct and impulsiveness. You’ve gained significant self esteem from the strong way you responded to pressure and necessity. You can be disciplined, focused and firm. This new knowledge of your capability helps you step into the present with more self assurance and confidence in your spiritual maturity. You have passed a test that stymies many. You deserve whatever recognition your efforts may have inspired.
Position 6: House of Apprenticeship
Allies materialize; your mission can focus and move forward to something rich and innovative.
When the Four of Wands comes up in this position, it points to encounters with spiritual or karmic companions, possibly under unusual circumstances. Intuitively you know that the alchemy is correct. Your group has just the right mix of good sense, risk-taking, skill and freshness. You have the talent to arouse a sense of mission within the group. Pool your efforts, focus team consciousness and create something marvelous.
Position 7: House of Relationships
Relax knowing that abundance is yours.
With the Ten of Coins in this position, you will finally have the means to take care of your needs. Not everyone gets to be a millionaire in this lifetime, but you will be resting in the security of having enough. No one can promise that this will endure as a permanent condition, but with proper management and long term thinking, you can reasonably aim for an endowment that will continue blessing and bestowing advantage on those who come after.
Position 8: House of Secrets
Ask yourself what you think you gain by repeated delay.
When the Horseman of Wands falls in this position, it seems there is difficulty getting started. The outset is hampered by a tendency to find reasons to delay, hold back or be dissatisfied with preparations. That may be acceptable to a point: preparedness is crucial and good timing essential. But if a new beginning is repeatedly delayed, you may have to ask yourself what you may be afraid of that would cause you to go to such great lengths to stall or postpone its development. When that question is answered, you can begin to overcome your blocks and allow your energy to flow smoothly toward the goal again.
Position 9: House of Visions
Trusted allies carry on your work while you pursue new opportunities.

The Eight of Wands in this position suggests a need to gather people to you who are responsible, trustworthy and committed and have stamina that matches your own. Your creativity and capability can draw numerous opportunities to you, and you want to engage in some of them without losing your momentum. With your allies in your camp, you can take a break from your present work and start something new, knowing the continuity of your efforts will not be lost.
Position 10: House of Reputation
Study the responsibilities you have inherited rather than just look at the advantages they represent.

The Four of Coins in this position signifies a young person, naive and pampered, who has been left an estate. Think conscientiously about all those people whom your activities impact, including those whose work and effort went into building what you inherited and those whose welfare depends to any extent upon your right management. What you’ve been given is abundant but not limitless. If you are prudent and responsible, the endowment will grow. But if you are frivolous or foolish, your behavior could undermine both what you have received and the well being of others who are connected to it. This is a test.
Position 11: House of the Future
Use your talent for pairing others’ skills to the work that needs to be done.
The Six of Coins in this position indicates that whatever you do now to help other people is going to return to you later in the form of many blessings. Do your best to operate from altruistic motives, sharing your riches and creating new opportunities, and your investment will confer huge dividends. The universe evolves faster with cooperation. Be like a matchmaker, linking people and their capacities to the work that needs to be done. In this way, you are helping them earn a place at the table when the rewards come in. What fantastic synergy!
Position 12: House of Surrender
You cannot represent the solution until you heal the problem within.

The Knight of Cups in this position requires that you outgrow the win/lose paradigm of competitive Western civilization. Replace self-righteous aggressiveness with humility and generosity. When you are tempted to misuse your power, lay down your weaponry instead, and offer up a cup of peace. This Knight of Cups has been in the battlefield too long, yet he has finally come to understand there is a better way. First, he had to come to peace within himself, before his cup of peace could heal rifts between others. Drink from that cup, then begin to serve it to those around you who are still fighting.

  • 9:58:22 PM
    5 cups, when 5=human + cups=intuition, emotion
    The Fall to Communion of Saints = the Pheonix = Christ’s Passion of death, rising to life & bodily ascension as the need to lose our inherited gifts to earn them back with luck/blessing for true appreciation, sharing the wealth.
    A perfect Divine Plan—Creator give his beloved children freedom to lose & rediscover to live it in ever-abundance.

    Horoscope Spread
    The Seven of Swords
    is the card of mental preparedness, acquired through the use of imagination, the rehearsing and visualizing of desired achievements. A representative phrase might be "the habit of mind of a natural winner." The image most often associated with this card is that of a canny warrior who has infiltrated into the enemy camp on the eve of a fateful battle, checking out their preparations and stealing their swords -- a move guaranteed to demoralize them and undermine their performance in the upcoming confrontation. Putting it in modern terms, those who draw this card needs to "work smarter, not harder," think long and deep, study all the angles, and put themselves in the shoes of their competition. As a result, they will have such a thorough grasp of the whole situation that there will be no surprises -- and no excuses for anything but success. Advance preparation justifies the optimism of the "natural winner."

    Position 1: House of Identity
    The inheritor of prestige and influence is also required to meet certain obligations.

    With the Ten of Coins in this position, you are the proper inheritor of a family tradition or ethic that makes you an important person in your community. This underlying heritage may have so thoroughly permeated your history and development that you have gone to special lengths to be distinct from it, to avoid becoming swallowed by it. Living up to this legacy can feel like a burden, but it is yours to bear both literally and karmically and it would be wrong to reject it. Obviously this situation provides you with stability and security, but it also creates special obligations. Maturity and sobriety are great allies to a person who has been given so much in terms of money, education, skills or responsibilities.
    Position 2: House of Work
    You are caught up in a vortex of intensifying demands.
    The Eight of Wands in this position has you running to keep up with people and circumstances that are out of control which seem to have taken on a life of their own. Being proactive may be difficult because the stimulation around you is so high and demands all your attention. This is not to comment on any weakness of yours; you are simply caught in escalating consequences. This can be an exciting and possibly exhausting time because you may be tested at every level as your ideal is realized. It takes supreme effort to cope with unforeseen outcomes.
    Position 3: House of Ideas
    Muster courage for a journey that will test your confidence and optimism as you are faced down by challenges.
    The Horseman of Wands in this position is a call to muster courage and embark upon a sacred journey filled with faith, but don’t expect that all will proceed as planned. Pay attention to your feelings. Strengthen yourself as you recognize how extraordinary it is to deeply feel a sense of mission, purpose and destiny. Keep a balanced outlook and recognize that whatever confidence and optimism you summon will be tested in the course of reaching your goal. No matter how it works out, you have the potential to serve a higher cause that is both exciting and worth the effort.
    Position 4: House of the Family
    A model of unwavering generosity and love provides you a source of strength and wisdom.
    The Empress suggests that at some time in your life you were exposed to an inspiring model of female dignity, generosity and love — someone who was steady and supportive. How fortunate you were! This experience taught you to go within and find the source of right action and clear thinking within yourself. Even if this person is no longer available to you, the learning you received can continue to provide a strong, reliable foundation.
  • 10:03:51 PM
    Divine Plan, personal transformation process are perfect paths, symbols of living, dynamic, shared perfection. Maybe I hesitate to tape, edit and master my own singing because my talent or the song is not the point—patiently waiting for the time when we’re ready to share the work and glory of success of making the music is the point—the zen, the path of transformation, Pilgrim’s Progress.

    Horoscope Spread
    The King of Wands represents the classic conquering hero. He's a charismatic leader, entrepreneurial and ambitious, and is always creating new adventures. He does this because has hates to stay home and "mind the store" -- he gets to feeling itchy and restless, bored with the predictable. If you need a crusader, or someone to take on a big challenge, he's your man. He prefers and needs a big assignment, and would rather lead than follow. It could be said that he has a bit of an ego, as evidenced in his enjoyment of flattery and praise. Always a performer, he overachieves in situations where it will be noticed, but in private he wants to be served and adored like the head lion of the pride. Ever the benevolent despot, he makes life wonderful for those he loves, and just the opposite for those who displease him.

    Position 1: House of Identity
    Take time to honor your feelings as you heal from devastating circumstances. Allow yourself to look forward to the future with optimism.

    The Nine of Swords in this position portrays a person suffering the lonely grief of abandonment or bereavement, and perhaps a sense of panic due to loss of power and position. Overcome with feelings of helplessness, he or she is beset with fear of what might happen next. But no matter what has happened, all meaning is not lost from life. You can and will recover from setbacks. To do so, you must overcome pessimism. As you recover from misfortune, you will see the way clear before you. Give yourself time to explore your feelings, and you will awaken tomorrow with confidence in the future.
    Position 2: House of Work
    Celebrate and support youthful innocence as it moves toward a dream, even in the face of more “realistic” viewpoints about the probable outcome.
    When the Horseman of Wands is in this position, someone in your environment is being launched into their dream. The situation feels poignant and bittersweet because you see how joyful and important an occasion it is, yet you also see how likely it is that the shiny new armor will soon be dented, the husky horse become tired and bony, and the optimism of youth tempered by a few difficult trials. There is no way you would want to say this, but it is built into the situation. Virginal innocence has not yet met an adversary, and that’s a beautiful thing. It deserves to be celebrated and supported no matter how more seasoned eyes envision the eventual outcome.
    Position 3: House of Ideas
    When using your power to please, be careful about boundaries.
    The Empress in this position challenges you to avoid using seduction as a way of achieving harmony or agreement. The Empress makes better use of the drawing power of attraction. Because of her regal attractiveness, everyone likes her and feels comfortable with her. She can pretty much get what she wants. You now have an opportunity to influence others through sheer personal magnetism. There’s not need to overstep boundaries or promise more than you truly want to deliver.
    Position 4: House of the Family
    Wisdom comes from careful and extensive study.
    The Hermit in this position has had a chance to learn about the nature of reality. He or she has been given the tools to apply moral discrimination and prune away false expectations. Such an education empowers you to focus on what is essential to mental and spiritual health. Humbled, you discover your strengths in the school of hard knocks; and you know what you are made of. Your psyche’s foundation derives from ageless wisdom, as well as an abundance of profound guidance still available to you. Some people have to theorize about the right thing to do; the Hermit knows because he has transformed knowledge into experience.
    Position 5: House of Magic
    Feel free to follow your heart to those healthy, simple and guiltless pleasures that make life sweet.
    The Ace of Cups in this position suggests that some enjoyable and fulfilling contact has put you in touch with a deep personal enthusiasm about your life. The feelings of satisfaction, of something deeply familiar and emotionally warming, continue to nourish you long after the actual experience is over. Pay attention to and develop a relationship with this imprint and its effects on you. Don’t limit it to a mere one-time event. You are discovering that it’s possible to bring more joy into your life. As long as it brings harm to no one, follow those feelings.
    Position 6: House of Apprenticeship
    Once your impulses are under control, allow them to be directed by your higher self.
    The Strength card in this position is asking you to tame your animal nature, and transfer its direction to your spiritual self, your more subtle, moral and sensitive side. Shift your consciousness away from the ego’s demands toward the greater good of all. Your new sense of gravity will make you a more effective example, even an inspiration to others. You see how easy it can be to resolve nagging conflicts that at one time tore you apart, robbing you of energy and focus.
    Position 7: House of Relationships
    Go beyond mental images to the truth that lies deep within your heart.
    With the Queen of Cups in this position, you are becoming prepared to go deep into your inner storehouse of heart-centered feelings and images and come up with a deeper understanding. Generally, it is necessary to curtail mental activity in order to allow the wisdom of the heart to clearly present itself. This can be accomplished through meditation or skillful counseling. In any case, the near future presents an opportunity to spring free from the limitations of rational thinking and open to the oceanic realm of feelings, so that something deep and true can be revealed. Cooperate with the warm, radiant energy of your heart, and let yourself be blessed by it.
    Position 8: House of Secrets
    You forget to direct your optimism toward yourself.
    When the Star appears in this position, you may believe that good things never happen to you. In some ways you stand in the way of your natural brightness, goodness and truth. Remember that the same love and service you extend to those around you is also being held for you. Try not to discount or resist your blessings.
    Position 9: House of Visions
    Take advantage of spiritual role models.

    The High Priestess in this position points to a mentor or role model who exemplifies true objectivity. This person is skilled in the high art of intuitive receptivity. Like an undeveloped film, the High Priestess can enter a situation and take an impression of all it contains without needing to project personality into it. Such cultivated neutrality and openness to the bigger picture is the foundation of wisdom. Study this person. Develop clarity and humility in your own personality, and use these qualities to uplevel all your interactions and relationships.
    Position 10: House of Reputation
    Root yourself in authentic wholeness.

    The Devil card in this position advises that you show some spunk. Don’t take no for an answer; assert your boundaries; show your true feelings, respond honestly. There is nothing to be gained by trying to be subtle or strategic in this situation. Your best bet is to express your true emotions, including any anger, ambition or arousal you may be feeling. You might not want to act on these feelings, but be real about having them. Express them honestly and let the chips fall where they may. Sometimes it is not necessary to act out your feelings, but it is extremely skillful to acknowledge and accept as many of them as you can.
    Position 11: House of the Future
    You are not tempted to return to the patterns of the past; you are truly prepared to move on.
    The Death card in this position points to the potential of severing a long-standing attachment that has repeatedly held you back, even when you swore you were truly done with it. At this point your confidence is focused enough so that you are no longer willing to repeat the old patterns. Now you know you can cut the cords and free yourself. Mixed with a natural trepidation, there is tremendous feeling of optimism. You are on the verge of experiencing and accomplishing great things. As the glimmer of the future grows brighter, and you are willing to leave the past behind to pursue that light. You will feel much better when you finally cut the ties that bind.
    Position 12: House of Surrender
    Access your social conscience, then take action to improve the world.

    The Four of Wands in this position asks you to focus on the greater collective good, rather than your own individual gain. Imagine a world you want your great grandchildren to live in and strive to produce it. Envision all the beauties, freedoms and joys of a truly fulfilled life, and decide how you will help perpetuate those gifts. If what you are now involved in is not going to benefit future generations, change what you are doing.
  • 10:10:25 PM
    when Mamma was alive, CS Lewis, the logical ethicist, was my fave author while her fave was the Bible with Barclay’s Bible commentaries and Thomas Merton—the mystic, aesthete, reluctant famed author of Christian literature who died in a Zen monastery. One of Merton’s works is, “No man is an Island”—which says it all, as Jesus was said to be The Word.

    Horoscope Spread
    The Seven of Coins
    is a paean to the humble laborer who is willing to show up every day and sweat in the sun for next season's bounty. The traditional concept is "cultivation," the attitude that slow and steady wins the race, with patience and confidence in nature's assistance. The protagonist of this card doesn't make excuses, isn't whimsical or moody, is dedicated and sees the job through. Of course, it's no good to count your chickens before they hatch, but there's no question that the person who is vigilant over a project is more likely to get the desired result.
    Someone who works with Nature, cooperating with her ways, will waste less energy and time than the person who works against Nature. As a side meaning, we sometimes see this normally humble farmer in a moment of frenzy, betting the crop on the roll of the dice. This represents a moment of dementia, addiction, or desperation that hopefully will not last long enough for him to lose everything!

Position 1: House of Identity
A sacrifice mediates the situation and returns it to normal.
The Hanged Man represents the taking of a loss. He’s the sacrificial lamb, whether it’s accepted with grace or only because it’s been forced upon him. In either case, his ordeal serves to clear the air of general tension, denial and game playing. The Hanged Man’s predicament brings issues to a head, making it possible to clear the slate and allow everyone to start over. Whether it’s purely symbolic or has to do with real events, it clears the collective conscience and helps to break old patterns. It’s a good thing that it’s you playing this vulnerable role, and not someone else who may be broken by the situation. You are resilient and regenerative, someone who can view this experience as educational and not be totally victimized by it. This is the enlightened attitude. Your sacrifice will make a difference in the larger flow of events, even if it’s not fair and you don’t deserve it.
Position 2: House of Work
An educator or archivist who knows the obscure sources can steer you to the answers you need.
When the Hierophant appears in this position, you have access to a teacher or exemplary person through whom important revelations emerge. This individual is a key to the positive outcome everyone is seeking. Look around you to see who this inspired, highly educated and experienced individual is, so that when you are in position, you can tap that resource of wisdom.
Position 3: House of Ideas
When needs aren’t being met because of conflict and taking sides, someone has to step forward to clarify the issues.

When the Two of Swords presents in this position, you have an opportunity to elucidate conflicting issues in a current situation. Conflict arises to highlight needs that are not being met or communication efforts that are not being heard. Opposing groups need an outside party to help them see what is pulling them apart. If you are well positioned for such a task, you could possibly serve as a mediator or facilitator. Although certain risks are inherent in sponsoring a sensitive, diplomatic dialogue, you have the right approach for easing this transition. By taking part in the dialogue, you could make a difference. Often people feel much better just having talked out their differences. Sometimes the solution lies in the listening.
Position 4: House of the Family
The ability to keep the faith in the face of uncertainty will serve you well.

The Two of Coins in this position suggests that you have some experience with uncertainty and understand the value of flexibility and adaptability. If so, you are less upset by undefined conditions than others would be, giving you a tremendous advantage. You can juggle and accommodate mixed results, and that may just make you a leader in a time of stress and difficulty. Just about anybody can succeed when things are going well; it takes a genius to succeed when situations get strange. Keeping the faith in the face of uncertainty or doubt is an ability that will serve you well.
Position 5: House of Magic
The end to a long, arduous task has come; completion brings both relief and joy.

The Ten of Wands in this position indicates that you have completed a task that has consumed your time and attention for a long time. Completing the circle and finishing every last detail is deeply gratifying, as your prodigious labor is coming to a successful close. Take a moment to reflect on your accomplishments and give yourself credit for how far you have come and the burden you have so nobly carried . Now that the task is concluded, relief is mixed with excitement over the thought of new endeavors you will now be free to pursue.
Position 6: House of Apprenticeship
Don’t fight the inevitable tides of emotion and psychic transformation that penetrate our most hidden selves.

Get your ego out of the way of the great wave sweeping over you, inviting you to submit to your highest spiritual self. Surrender to the psychic forces that move through all of us in generational tides to bring about cleansing experiences, revelations and corrections. Fear and uncertainty often accompany this unpredictable flood. Nevertheless, resist the temptation to succumb to doubt and recriminations. You are in a protected position regarding the moon, a “lunatic” moved from within by the monthly cycle of invisible tides. This could be a time to study transits in your chart to see what is shaping the timing of events in your life. Perhaps you should study your dreams. In any case, stop fighting the flow.
Position 7: House of Relationships
A vision has absorbed you; as you emerge from your preoccupation, it’s clear that you and your work are highly respected.

With the Three of Coins in this position, you may be coming out of obscurity. You have been so absorbed in your vision that you have forgotten how many fans you really have, how many people there are who respect you and wish you well. In fact, you may find yourself receiving invitations to join more illustrious company as you move up the rungs of the professional and financial ladder. This is more than just an accident. It’s also more than just your brilliance being recognized; your work is meeting their needs. A spotlight may shine on your genius and ability to inspire others, and your creative work will flourish with daring and original ideas.
Position 8: House of Secrets
Fear of harsh judgment prevents you from being present to receive praise.

When Justice falls in this position, fear of being judged as not good enough prevents you from letting yourself be seen. The fear is strong enough to keep you from taking the risk, even if you might receive praise. It helps to remember that perfection is not possible to begin with. There is no need to torment yourself with comparison. The placement of this card asks you to measure your heart and its wisdom. If your efforts are sincere and appropriate, you won’t merely be seen as good enough, you will be seen as exemplary.
Position 9: House of Visions
Look to history for personalities and deeds to model your aspirations.
The Four of Swords in this position suggests that your allies, role models and greatest inspirations may be members of previous generations; they may even be historical heroes or legendary figures. Seek inspiration from your archetypes of change, healing and wisdom, whose stories and deeds stir the urge within you to overcome obstacles and resolve problems. Turn the wheels of transformation and evolution. If none come immediately to mind, take time to search for role models who will inspire the qualities you wish to emulate and cultivate within yourself.
Position 10: House of Reputation
Creative compromise helps you accept your commitments fully.
The Lovers card advises that you study your options, and make the wiser choice. Consider carefully your best long-term interests. At the same time, perhaps you may still be able to enjoy some of the best aspects of rejected options. There is no judgment on what you choose to keep from the array of possibilities before you. Just look out for choices that will produce regret. Be willing to compromise in order to stay attuned to the commitments you finally make. Trust your intuition along with your rational intellect. Act with conviction.
Position 11: House of the Future
You have no idea where this situation will lead: it’s entirely undetermined.
When the Fool is in this position, the potential for something good to happen is great, but what form it will take is completely unpredictable. Unfolding events are breaking all your rules; it’s never happened this way before. Roll with the punches. Don’t be hard on yourself for being unprepared. This is one of those times when you are not an actor but merely a witness. Attempting to control the situation will not keep you safe; trust in the larger forces that govern events. Relax into the flow of change; move with it, not against it.
Position 12: House of Surrender
Make the mature decision to be the first one to lay down weapons and apologize for mistakes.
The Five of Swords in this position requires you to improve the situation by sacrificing competitiveness, combativeness and any compulsion to dominate. Let yourself be the first to surrender, apologize and admit that either you provoked the crossing of swords or you did little to prevent it. Without a sincere acknowledgment of your own contribution to frustration, stress and competitiveness, you will not grow from this experience, and it will repeat later in another format.

  • 10:16:48 PM
    Question: Jesus was said to be God made man, perfection incarnate, the word made flesh and dwelt among us. It’s as breathe is to thought in communicating, in words; earth/Receptive over air/Heaven/Creative Hexagram is hexagram 11 “Harmony”, Feng-Shui—only part of the path in Eastern thought but a pivotal one—tentative in state but longed for all along the progression.

    Horoscope Spread
    4 The Emperor
    In practical terms, the Emperor is the boss or leader, the head of state, the most exemplary and powerful person in the realm. His word is law, and the positive outworking of affairs of state is directly proportional to his well-being and happiness. The more enlightenment and cosmic perspective he possesses, the better life is for all under his reign. He has mastered the realm of the Cube, the world of Matter and of Manifestation. When you apply this card to your situation, grant yourself the power to be master of all that you survey, and acknowledge your self-sovereignty despite any appearances to the contrary.

Position 1: House of Identity
When you answer a challenge, prepare for the consequences.
The Horseman of Swords in this position symbolizes a warrior readying for battle, about to defend a matter of principle. You are either feeling challenged or a need to make a challenge. In effect, you are strapping on your armor and sharpening your blade. Whoever tangles with you now faces a daunting opponent, because a righteous indignation impels the Horseman of Swords. Hopefully your cause is worth what lies ahead. Sometimes the Knight of Swords becomes so eager for the fight that he forgets what it will cost and how many other lives may be affected. Before you commit yourself to further action and reaction, be sure you are ready for all the consequences you could stimulate by initiating this campaign.
Position 2: House of Work
Those who can access higher-ups and assist them have undeniable influence on the world around them
When the King of Coins is in this position, a person who can turn the tide, an individual with power who can predict and control outcomes is central to the current environment. This could be you — or your role may be to advise, support and guide that Midas individual, that King of Coins, as long as you perceive that his actions serve the common good. Remember, the person who has the ear of the king swings the fate of the nation. You may be needed to provide some objectivity where the King of Coins seems to be lacking it. With the King of Coins in this position you will enjoy a wonderful period of overcoming obstacles and hindrances with grace and ease. Despite appearances to the contrary, you will win big and you will enable everyone to be winners as well.
Position 3: House of Ideas
Give attention to what is clearly positive.

With the Three of Cups in this position, you have an opportunity to support the best of what is happening around you and leave the rest. Focus and shine a warm and loving light on what is positive in this situation. Don’t waste time and energy — emotionally or mentally — on the negative. Appreciate that there is so much to be glad for, to capitalize upon, and to build on from the shared talents, interests and abilities of this group. Your job is to become an effective cheerleader so that the morale supports the potential. You will then see some wonderful results.
Position 4: House of the Family
Your familial style has endowed you with the ability to choose people who are emotionally healthy for your friends and lovers .

The Ace of Cups in this position suggests that you intimated what love is at an early age. As a result you have created a lifestyle in which a bonded and connected core group of people support you even when you cant be physically present with them. Whether this is your family of origin or an intentional family you have gathered around yourself, it provides an emotional, psychic and spiritual safety net. A foundation of security and encouragement strengthens you for whatever you have to face at the moment.
Position 5: House of Magic
Change is in the air; let the memories of your recent successes inspire confidence in your future endeavors.

With the Nine of Coins in this position, you have just been through an experience of high self achievement and accomplishment. Without question you earned everything that has come to you as a result. But now the momentum from that time is winding down. It may be that some aspects of this support system are becoming a memory as the present moves in and separates you from that cherished, easy time.
It is time for a change. Take a moment of peaceful relaxation, reminding yourself what your true goals are. In the process, hearken to your memories of success and the serenity and peace of mind you enjoyed. Let this memory serve you as a touchstone; it will help you feel less challenged and disturbed about momentary fluctuations in the flow of things. Let these memories inspire you with the knowledge of what is possible again. Position 6: House of Apprenticeship
Even when we have overcome all contenders, it may be unclear whether what is gained exceeds what is sacrificed.
When the Nine of Wands is in this position, ask yourself if what has just been accomplished represents the final battle and whether what was fought for is now finally won. If so, do you consider it to have been a worthwhile experience? If what was gained was just the privilege to fight another day, then it is advisable to rethink the situation. Determine whether it’s worth it to keep it going, because it’s definitely not producing any discernible success. Even when we prove ourselves superior and overcome adversaries, recovery from the experience may be long and arduous. Does the outcome justify the cost?
Position 7: House of Relationships
You will gain a new idea of what center is.

With the World in this position, it appears that you are rounding the last bend on the winding road to the promised land. There you can lay down your burden, stop struggling and ascend to a higher order of meaning. Soon you will feel you are in the right place at the right time, safe to relax in the trust and security that comes when you are one with the greater good.
The experience will reorient your inner gyroscope. Be prepared by staying open and flexible and keeping your wits about you. A great completion is forthcoming that could be camouflaged as a normal experience. You may be the only one in the situation who will understand it, but that is fine. The point is not publicity, but grasping the truth of this subtle shift and cooperating with it.
Position 8: House of Secrets
Ask yourself whether a pattern of shame and self blame is really about you or just learned behavior.
The Hanged Man in this position suggests a tendency to volunteer for the scapegoat position to the extent that you don’t even consider other stances you could take. Do you have an almost morbid compulsion to take the blame and internalize negative judgments? It’s difficult for you to believe you are not the problem when you reflexively think you are probably wrong. Begin to address the problem by questioning whether the guilt and shame you feel is your true nature or whether it’s behavior you learned in your family of origin. You can’t possibly be the cause of all the negativity in this situation. If there is blame, it must be shared. Don’t take it for granted that you are the source of the problems.
Position 9: House of Visions
An ally holds the mirror that can help you see your inner progress.
The Ten of Wands in this position suggests that you have a counterpart in your environment who can reflect your own hidden, pure, wiser self. This person understands what you are going through because he or she has already been there. This guide can be an effective sounding board, can help you shape your reasoning and provide strong support when you vacillate or feel overwhelmed and exhausted. This ally holds the mirror to your inner achievements. Draw strength from this person who will remind you why you bother to tax yourself for the sake of your ideals.
Position 10: House of Reputation
Develop your expertise and know that you are a master in the making.
The Hierophant in this position advises that you return to your education and the role of meticulous, probing student. Learn everything you can about your chosen subject or the issue in question. Process the knowledge until it becomes a part of you, an experiential awareness. Slowly and steadily build to a peak of understanding in your field or chosen subject. Earn respect and recognition by completing your education and broadening your direct experience. If you already have all the necessary experience, then rewrite your rŽsumŽ so others can understand who you are and what you can bring to a situation. You are destined to be a master in your realm.
Position 11: House of the Future
Use many vehicles of communication to assemble a coalition.

With the Chariot in this position, there is long term potential to enlarge your scope of influence. As you expand the realm in which you move, you will more freely share your ideas and ideals and meet like-minded souls. Find the energy to travel, make connections and use technology to network. Over time your enthusiasm for seeking new stimulation is bound to create a personal empire. Don’t rush the process. Take time to savor each contact. Out of these you will be able to weave a web of team mates. Together you are going to change your world.
Position 12: House of Surrender
Give priority to your own dignity and self respect without guilt or regret. Self sacrifice is not suitable.
The Queen of Swords in this position requires that you give up the need to be seen as a nice person, stop being attached to whether others like you or not, and let go of caring about the opinions of others. This doesn’t mean you throw relationships away — it’s just imperative to not get mired in the opposite direction. It may be costing you more than it’s worth to keep the peace by mollifying others. If you continue to give your power away, sooner or later you are bound to be angry, resentful and blaming. It’s important to get your own needs met. Before the situation becomes drastic and you are filled with anger about all the injustice you endure, you must get in charge of your destiny. Reclaim the power that comes from your center and allow it to guide you. You may have to sacrifice superficial popularity, but you will be recovering your dignity and self respect.

  • 10:22:19 PM
    The path seems exponential, thus infinitely closing in on perfection but never Perfect in static state. Human progress is so too? On earth to reach Heaven when the ideal is Heaven on Earth—but, will we ever reach that state or is it in the Becoming, the Path, Zen? Plato said it was not in the Being but the Becoming that was superior. Do we really want to become perfect, i.e., God or beloved children adoring the lap of God?

    Horoscope Spread
    The Knight of Cups
    was usually titled “Homecoming,” indicating the long journey this knight has traveled to find his true heart’s home. Often he is on a journey of return, after long estrangement from all he holds dear. His taste for adventure is exhausted—there is no more romanticizing of battles or travel in strange lands. Now he wants to go where he will be recognized, wanted, welcomed, and where he doesn’t have to fight at every turn. He has the attitude of one who is “older and wiser,” the prodigal son.

Position 1: House of Identity
You are in the right place at the right time.

The Sun in this position symbolizes a return to Eden, a return to your original nature. This is the card of the person who is expressing the highest creativity and doing her or his best work. Your motives, outlook and beliefs are all synchronized. There are no hidden motives, nagging doubts or fear of the outcome. Relax, look around and enjoy the wonderful view from the center of your universe.
Position 2: House of Work
An educator or archivist who knows the obscure sources can steer you to the answers you need.

When the Hierophant appears in this position, you have access to a teacher or exemplary person through whom important revelations emerge. This individual is a key to the positive outcome everyone is seeking. Look around you to see who this inspired, highly educated and experienced individual is, so that when you are in position, you can tap that resource of wisdom.
Position 3: House of Ideas
When you make a commitment to the long term good, it will teach others a lesson in altruism.

The Five of Swords in this position challenges you to overcome a trend that is dividing and conquering your group. This situation kindles a unique strength within you that can help others keep from succumbing to the temptation of unbridled self interest. You are holding the torch, keeping the light of the greater good aloft. Your inspiration or clarity is helping others awaken and make their way toward higher ground. You have the ability to dispel petty bickering and competition, and reawaken a common vision or sense of mission. Relax and let your insights speak for themselves; your capacity for leadership is being called forth.
Position 4: House of the Family
Use an example of a lasting relationship as a guideline to measure your dreams against.
The Two of Cups in this position suggests that you have witnessed a true bond between individuals who were better together than apart, whose trust and commitment weathered all challenges and setbacks. This model taught you what it truly means when people say “I love you” or “I want to bewith you” or “Let’s do this project together.” You have few illusions about how much effort that kind of commitment entails, the amount of vigilance and willpower it requires. Hold onto that knowledge, for in this world of wounded relationships, those who know how to relate fully are in the minority. Even if you are not in the relationship you want to be in right now, keep the ideal alive. It can happen for you as long as you continue to believe in it.
Position 5: House of Magic
Unanticipated transformations have come with changes you purposefully sought out.
With the Chariot in this position, you may be recovering from a period of sweeping changes in your normal routine. Unconstrained energy that was liberating and exciting influenced you profoundly. This is the kind of energy that compels people to cut cords and move on from things they once held sacred. It can be a wonderful opportunity to free yourself up and experiment, a chance to explore new territories. It throws you back on your wits, good hunches and instincts. You may find that you are sharper than you gave yourself credit for, more courageous and interesting than you thought. This card in this position points to one interesting adventure you created for yourself. Learn from this experience; let it bolster your self esteem.
Position 6: House of Apprenticeship
Let yourself be inspired by the nurturing feminine.

The Empress symbolizes an ideal or cause that comes from the compassionate universal mother. Whether it’s Kuan Yin or Isis, the great archetypes of the ancients, she represents a nurturing feminine, dispensing love, wisdom and abundance. Let the light shine within you. The Empress requires that we surrender to her. Let her guide you through chaotic circumstances. You can relax in her embrace and trust her. She is doing what is best for all, and you are one of her own.
Position 7: House of Relationships
A change in your pursuits will open you in a way that is emotionally gratifying.

The Page of Cups in this position could be starting over again in a new field he or she is excited to be entering, although it could be quite different from any previous area of expertise. This change could make a difference in the quality of both relationships and spiritual life. Because the figure of the Page denotes apprenticeship, it might be seen as both a step backward and a step forward. Compare this to the transition between being a high school senior and a freshman in college — it’s an advancement and demotion at the same time. The Page of Cups is a natural apprentice to the depths of the spiritual and emotional life. As such, the change you make could teach you much about what is essential, what is most important to you and those you care about. Be open to this learning and you will never regret that you achieved it.
Position 8: House of Secrets
Ask yourself what you think you gain by repeated delay.

When the Horseman of Wands falls in this position, it seems there is difficulty getting started. The outset is hampered by a tendency to find reasons to delay, hold back or be dissatisfied with preparations. That may be acceptable to a point: preparedness is crucial and good timing essential. But if a new beginning is repeatedly delayed, you may have to ask yourself what you may be afraid of that would cause you to go to such great lengths to stall or postpone its development. When that question is answered, you can begin to overcome your blocks and allow your energy to flow smoothly toward the goal again.
Position 9: House of Visions
Sometimes setbacks are blessings in disguise.

The Five of Cups in this position suggests that this upset, disruption of your dream, or loss and dispersion of energy — represented by three of five cups being spilled — is actually a necessary pruning. You overreached what was truly possible in this situation or overcommitted yourself. Once your mistake became apparent, you were freed up to focus on what is actually feasible. Now you can do a superlative job with what is left. This is a blessing in disguise. You will see it in a month or two as you look back on the developments that were in store for you. The hand of fate has done you a favor, lightened your load, cleared the way. You may have been wrestling all night long with what you thought was a devil, only to see by the dawning daylight that it’s an angel, blessing you for sticking it out through the dark night of the soul. Allow some time to go by before you form any opinions.
Position 10: House of Reputation
Your time is better spent in reflection and spiritual pursuit.

The Star in this position advises that you increase your spiritual cultivation and meditation. Surrender to the greater good. Rededicate yourself to your higher values. Do whatever will increase your sense of oneness with the great chain of being, the evolutionary course that runs from the past through the present into the future. You know yourself as a creature of a larger realm. Don’t allow inconsequential routines to steal this communion from you.
Position 11: House of the Future
What may have felt like a whim or passing fancy has the potential to grow into a creative, expressive and profitable venture.
You are faced with an opportunity to create a whole new area in your life. Something that was lingering in the background has leaped forward and helped you reassess your priorities, hopes and dreams. It feels as if a missing ingredient is emerging that can complete the mix. As you become aware of your interest and enthusiasm, it also dawns on those around you that you may hold the key to this situation. It’s possible you will rethink career opportunities or find a new channel of expression. This could lead to a whole new sense of identity.
Position 12: House of Surrender
Change course if you must in order to carry out your higher aspirations.
The King of Swords in this position implies that you have to give up your self interests for the time being. This is not the time to ask what the decisions to be made will cost you, or how you might enrich yourself through this situation. The King of Swords has to think much bigger than that. He has to take everyone’s interests into account, including the most humble. He has to look out for the unprotected ones, and discipline himself in the process. You are being asked to go against the grain of your own desires and plans. A nobility is being called forth in you now; raise your standards and live up to them.

  • 10:28:20 PM
    It’s not being the Loving One or the Beloved but in the action between the two—shared compassion, giving/receiving love, living in God’s love, nurturing and being nurtured. That puts humans on equal ground as we all have our unique brand of God’s love/light to give and to take for mutual enhancement, shared glory of God.

    Horoscope Spread
    The Three of Wands
    symbolizes an inner balance that allows you to feel reasonable optimism about new endeavors you are committed to. In the illustrated Tarots, the protagonist is standing on his balcony, watching his ships leave the harbor, loaded with trade-goods for far-off ports, dreaming of the fortune he will reap if all goes well.
    He must be patient and trusting, because he will have to wait at least a year to find out how his ships have fared, and meanwhile he has a lot of resources tied up until they return. Only those truly confident in their ideas and abilities would take such a risk. This card represents the energy a person needs to undertake great adventures and accomplish notable deeds.
    A detail that sometimes appears in the more esoteric Tarots is a winged wand with two snakes twining around it, called the Caduceus, which is Mercury's wand. This is an ancient symbol of the healer or shaman, one who can travel between the worlds to rescue souls from death or possession. Perhaps the feeling of empowerment this card represents points to the internal mechanisms of self-healing. Perhaps it refers to the courage it takes to be an entrepreneur or an inventor, which is in itself a magical process -- bringing not only opportunity for success, but also an awakening to higher potentials.

Position 1: House of Identity
You are becoming increasingly aware of your contribution and value.
The Ace of Coins in this position indicates you are in a position to discover that your life force, your consciousness and your growing value to the world are all the same thing. This card represents an increasing awareness of your contribution, and the path of your fulfillment in this life. Everything we achieve is a reflection of our character and personality. This first coin can form the foundation of your expanding worth, attracting more, until you accumulate all the abundance you could ever dream about. But first you have to become magnetic.
Position 2: House of Work
Learn to rely on your own judgment and keep your own counsel.

When the Page of Swords is in this position, you are contending with a person or situation that to some extent is suspicious and untrustworthy. It indicates an environment in which everyone is looking out for himself and no one is quite sure who to trust. You are coping with a climate of pessimism; consequently people are armed and guarded against blame. In this kind of case, what people don’t tell you is just as important as what they do. Be aware of nonverbal clues others may be giving out unconsciously. Work a little harder to understand others’ motives so their behavior doesn’t confuse you. Use your own judgment.
Position 3: House of Ideas
Opposites can be brought into harmony.
The Lovers challenge you to distill the best from seeming opposites and create a new mixture. Rather than thinking of them as opposing each other, consider these two elements as left and right hands. Harmonize these opposites and you will heal a rift that will greatly expand your awareness. If you pit one side against the other, however, you will slide back into unconsciousness. Share whatever you learn from this experience.
Position 4: House of the Family
Your familial style has endowed you with the ability to choose people who are emotionally healthy for your friends and lovers .

The Ace of Cups in this position suggests that you intimated what love is at an early age. As a result you have created a lifestyle in which a bonded and connected core group of people support you even when you cant be physically present with them. Whether this is your family of origin or an intentional family you have gathered around yourself, it provides an emotional, psychic and spiritual safety net. A foundation of security and encouragement strengthens you for whatever you have to face at the moment.
Position 5: House of Magic
You have shaken off the need to lean on others. Your independence is blossoming.

With the Six of Coins in this position, you are just coming out of a position of dependence and are learning to carry your own weight. Where in the past you may have felt more comfortable taking your cues from strong forces around you, you are now outgrowing the need to be “helped.” From here you can build and expand until you, as opposed to others, are the strong force in your own life, maybe even modeling self sufficiency for others in time. As this process unfolds, it would be a good exercise for you to make careful notes on your evolving outlook and new experiences. In the future, this will help you guide others through similar transformations.
Position 6: House of Apprenticeship
Your nurturing presence or cheerful action gives rise to constructive dialogue.

When the Page of Wands is in this position, you are assigned to be the neutral voice of reason between two quarreling factions. You are the mediator, the impartial agent who can distill reason and peace out of dissension. Your obligation is to make yourself available for this mission and be cheerful, optimistic and positive for the relatively brief time your services are required. It may simply be your nurturing presence that promotes constructive dialogue and motivates others to rise to their higher nature and find a win/win solution. You are a positive influence on a complicated situation.
Position 7: House of Relationships
You are on the verge of fulfilling your grand plan.

With the Ten of Cups in this position, it appears as if the wandering tribe finally found the resting place where it can build and cultivate the land. There is a sense of homecoming and fulfillment. Imagine a gigantic celebration where everyone from elders to children converge, giving and receiving love freely. Together they gleefully catch up on each other’s stories and enjoy the feelings of bondedness they’ve been missing. During this upcoming experience you will feel slightly sentimental as your heart is opened and filled. It’s a time of gratitude and rewards for labors well done.
Position 8: House of Secrets
When you feel a lack of confidence, choose to be optimistic and trust that you will get the help you need.

When the Seven of Coins falls in this position, it reveals either a lack of confidence in yourself or in Nature’s abundance. You have forgotten how Nature can multiply a handful of seeds into bushels of fruit. Do not fear — if the outcome of your dreams depended solely on your efforts, you might fail, but it does not. You have the ability to find a way to harness the power of Nature to support your dream, so choose to be optimistic. Trust that you will get the help you need. Nature is happy to support and assist those who work with Her. When you learn Her ways and serve them, you are no longer alone.
Position 9: House of Visions
With the help of an objective person, examine the assumptions you may unconsciously be making.

In this position, the King of Swords suggests that you seek the assistance of a mentor in communications. Find someone with enough broad experience to help you sharpen your logic, define the issues before you and refine your arguments. This person will be a strict but fair judge of your development. He or she will critique you and give you assignments for self improvement. It’s like having a personal trainer, who will hold up the mirror and show you the parts of yourself you cannot see without help. With this person on your side, you will improve your ability to stay on top of events and issues. Such helpers are worth their weight in gold; don’t stray too far from her or his advice.
Position 10: House of Reputation
You have the potential power to be a benefactor.

The Ten of Coins in this position advises that you think of yourself as a person who possesses a powerful force to benefit the people. No matter what it is — a tool, service, invention or an idea — you know you are holding a storehouse of value. When it takes shape it will take care of you and yours for several generations. Exactly how are you going to administer the rewards of your talent? Recall the time when you began this current endeavor; remember the sincerity, innocence, vision and the dream. See how much of those values and that inspiration you can reproduce in the administration of your present abundance. Think of every act of spending and investing and securing as the sowing of seed that will sprout and grow another money tree in somebody else’s yard. How can you get really clever at throwing those seeds? This is your next assignment.
Position 11: House of the Future
The world needs the example of those who choose to heal and grow beyond their previous boundaries.
With Temperance in this position, there is a potential for you to become a healer. You are displaying relevant skills in your chosen medium whether it’s physical, emotional, mental or psychic. The greatest test of all, however, is the ability to heal oneself. Choose to develop yourself consciously, and model what a restored and regenerated body-mind looks like. Humanity depends upon certain pioneers who choose to cultivate themselves and model what is possible.
Position 12: House of Surrender
Give up on trying to be “normal” and relax into your eccentricities.
The Hermit in this position recommends that your unique experiences, the peculiar qualities of consciousness which you move through in a day, are not just the product of a skewed imagination. You are in some ways extra sensitive to the forces which move the weather, roll the tides, and speak through Nature. There is a purpose for your heightened awareness, and you must now determine the right use of these special skills of yours, without concern for the opinions of others. Pursue your studies or embark upon an apprenticeship. Forget about fitting in or even being understood.

  • 10:38:39 PM
    Like the Mass’s Doxology said during the transubstantiation of water and wine to the body and blood of Christ, “Through Him, with Him, in Him, is to You God, Father and Almighty, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, all glory and honour, world without end. Amen.” It’s more precise in meaning in the Latin. The meaning rather puts the God-Human relationship in a word...

    Horoscope Spread
    The Nine of Cups
    is traditionally called “Happiness.” This card often shows the innkeeper on a Saturday night, doing a brisk business and grinning broadly at the thought of his profits. The rewards are not all monetary, however. This happiness also includes the fulfillment of family and right livelihood, healing and gratitude.

Position 1: House of Identity
Consider carefully what consequences may result from joining forces.

The Five of Coins in this position indicates the attraction of opposites. The Five of Coins depicts lovers discovering each other, mirroring and matching, magnetized by each other’s qualities. Once the first flush of infatuation is past, however, the same energy of attraction that once felt so exciting may become a source of friction. The seeds of conflict are built into the fabric of the attraction. Even though the whole becomes more than the sum of its parts, it has been known to devour the individuals who comprise it.
This card suggests a relationship opportunity or offer. Examine what the outcome of joining forces would be. Ascertain as best you can if there is enough to keep you engaged, so that you don’t base a long term endeavor on a moment’s infatuation. Successful long term partnerships are business arrangements as well as love affairs.
Position 2: House of Work
A dear and sensitive soul needs steadying while he or she goes through an awakening.
The Page of Cups in this position represents someone whose naivetŽ and innocence is beautiful yet dangerous to themselves. Your task is to help that person become awake to the full implications of his or her situation without dashing hopes or diminishing ideals. Gentle handling is required when you encourage this individual to become more practical and look beyond her or his dreams to the reality of problems to be solved. Donât throw cold water, just temper his or her innocence a little.
Position 3: House of Ideas
Carefully consider how to deliver knowledge or information clearly and calmly.

When the Page of Wands is in this position, remember that the way in which a message is delivered strongly influences how it is received. Use your power as a messenger to communicate in a manner that produces clarity rather than confusion, optimism rather than cynicism. Although the Page of Wands can stand apart from the news he or she bears, your responsibility is to word your message so that its essence comes through undistorted. Be especially careful not to emphasize the negatives, losses, reversals and so on. Overcome the temptation to be overly dramatic or speak in catastrophic terms.
Position 4: House of the Family
Although they were learned under difficult circumstances, the skills and outlook gained in the past are now proving tremendously helpful.

The Six of Swords in this position indicates an earlier life circumstance that gave you a head start on certain practical and necessary survival skills that are proving to be quite valuable. At the time it may have felt oppressive, exacting or overwhelming to be faced with this body of information, technical skill or special ability. To be held to high and exacting standards may have felt harsh at the time, but the experience has contributed tremendously to your useful abilities and self discipline in the face of challenges. Be grateful for the education you received (unwittingly or not) before you were old enough to consent to it or mature enough to appreciate it. Use your hard-won knowledge, and rejoice in having it.
Position 5: House of Magic
When you give up thinking yours is the only reality, you can recognize and respect diversity of thought and experience.

When the Two of Swords is in this position, a rude awakening in a relationship or situation shook your assumption that everyone understood circumstances clearly. You thought you knew what to expect of others and what they were expecting of you. It is a shock to discover that a past agreement had distinctly different meanings for you and another party. Don’t assume that you have been set up or deceived, however. Use the situation as an opportunity to recognize the differences in peoples’ experience of reality, their priorities and their points of view. Rather than leap into blaming others for what are essentially differences of perception, you can begin to appreciate the rich diversity of this world and the importance of making clear understandings and agreements. Laxity in communication due to assumptions all too often results in arguments over differences instead of leading to celebrations over shared endeavors.
Position 6: House of Apprenticeship
Have such confidence in your strengths and compassion that you could stand in for others less resilient than you.

The Hanged Man in this position suggests that it is part of your soul’s growth to serve as some kind of sacrificial lamb. You should have elected this for special reasons — you knew you were strong enough; it wouldn’t be fatal or cause permanent damage; and in your great compassion you saw that you could help others whose vulnerability or fragility would make this experience too devastating for them.
Like Jesus, you have taken on a difficult challenge out of spiritual charity. You are rewarded in the inner world by the experience of unconditional lovingness and the entirely new worldview such self-sacrifice provides. Although it is fully worth the price one pays, you could probably never explain this to those around you because they think you are just overwhelmed by your suffering. In truth, you are actually earning your stripes in the spirit world. You don’t need or desire sympathy.
Position 7: House of Relationships
A vision has absorbed you; as you emerge from your preoccupation, it’s clear that you and your work are highly respected.

With the Three of Coins in this position, you may be coming out of obscurity. You have been so absorbed in your vision that you have forgotten how many fans you really have, how many people there are who respect you and wish you well. In fact, you may find yourself receiving invitations to join more illustrious company as you move up the rungs of the professional and financial ladder. This is more than just an accident. It’s also more than just your brilliance being recognized; your work is meeting their needs. A spotlight may shine on your genius and ability to inspire others, and your creative work will flourish with daring and original ideas.
Position 8: House of Secrets
Determine how you prejudice yourself in your situation.
The King of Swords in this position indicates you are overanalyzing everything in an attempt to avoid what others are trying to tell or teach you. You have a bias that disqualifies you as an impartial judge of your situation. Take some time to question your motives and ask yourself what you are doing or trying to accomplish. Temper your sense of righteousness and entitlement to judge; return to disciplining, monitoring and directing your own energy. Before you can correct anyone else’s thinking, you have to learn how to more objectively correct your own, so work on that now. This is critical to the overall outcome.
Position 9: House of Visions
Be willing to share your pain with others whose empathy can help you. Remember, you are not alone.

The Nine of Swords in this position suggests that it is time to ask for help from someone who has been there before, who has sunk to the depths, sustained losses and recovered to tell the tale. It is essential to realize that you are not alone. You may feel deeply burdened, but do your best not to isolate yourself. What you are going through has been experienced by a number of others in your immediate circle or community. Whether it involves a health problem, an economic problem or a relationship problem, open up to others who have had similar experiences and they can help you. Thinking that nobody can understand will only perpetuate your pain. It’s essential that you get up, get out and look for people with whom you can share what you are going through. The act of sharing in and of itself will uplift and fortify you.
Position 10: House of Reputation
Work consciously to create an enduring and satisfying lifestyle for yourself.
The Nine of Coins in this position suggests that a full flow of resources is coming in your direction. You want to transition smoothly into this state of well being and peace of mind. Hard work has brought you to this place where you could earn and receive some grace, comfort, and financial freedom. Make a concerted effort to create a sustainable and enjoyable lifestyle for yourself. Gather your dreams and get ready. You deserve this!
Position 11: House of the Future
Despite present uncertainty, you will come to know whether you have the patience and perseverance necessary to keep striving toward your goal.

When the Two of Coins is in this position, you are bound to exist in a state of uncertainty for a while. If you do not prepare for it psychologically, it can make you feel crazy. One thing is for sure — you will find out whether you have the patience and perseverance to make it through dry spells without losing sight of your goals. These are the times that try the soul—times when you are not in charge, times when you are at the mercy of forces that move at a slower pace than you would like. Continue to undertake tasks that you know you can accomplish, so you can have some relief from uncertainty. Only stamina will get you through this. Be forewarned; perseverance does get you further, but it isn’t easy.
Position 12: House of Surrender
Sacrifice your need to control the situation; calm down and wait it out.

With the Four of Cups in this position, be willing to endure a bit of boredom and discomfort for the sake of letting the moment pass. Sometimes you just can’t avoid a situation, even though you have no personal stake in it. It may be some obligation or something that has erupted around you, from which you cannot extricate yourself. Give up the tendency to push the river and make things happen, in order to feel more comfortable right away. Have the self control to wait things out. Be patient, but don’t fall asleep. Keep your wits about you for a good opportunity to free yourself and move into a higher gear. Later you can evaluate whether this was a good or a bad experience.

  • 10:44:39 PM
    To be ultimately succinct would be to refer to how God is said to first make Himself manifest to the Israelites: “I am” or “YHWH” [must look back at the symbology of the 4 letters in Qabalah]. The lesson would be to see Past and Future in Present, all of a person in being with him, appreciating him and being honoured by his presence in the moment knowing that in freedom the good will return with God’s blessing.

    Horoscope Spread
    16 The Tower

    In all of images of the Tower card, disaster is striking or has just struck. The demons of madness and despair are released from ancient hiding places, and nature conspires with human failings to destabilize the people. A possible subtitle for this card would be "The Act of God," because the upheaval is collective, impersonal. Yet let us remember for whom these images were created -- educated nobles and clergy -- and you will realize just who will lose altitude fastest should the towers start to fall.
    In that sense, the Lightening is a fitting karmic response to the guilt of those whose fortunes come from abuse of the land or its residents. A modern subtitle might be "Revolution from Below," indicating such drastic social change that a poor person has renewed hope of better times. Although The Tower comes to us as a classic crash-and-burn experience, the process does topple the hierarchy of the old order, providing all who survive with a fresh start on equal footing.

Position 1: House of Identity
A positive attitude and strong potential will prime you to achieve a “personal best.”

The Seven of Wands in this position indicates you are getting ready for a moment of triumph. You have trained for it and are at the peak of your potential; you are clearly a winner even if you haven’t yet proved it. With such a positive attitude and obviously strong potentials so carefully cultivated, you are bound to make a strong showing.
Position 2: House of Work
Resist the impulse to join those around you who are becoming polarized in opposing camps.
When the Two of Coins is in this position, you are surrounded by people who are busy taking sides. Resist the impulse to join either camp. Although others with low tolerance for ambiguity or a desperate need to be in control will jump to conclusions, there is no need for you to join them or take a position one way or the other. Nobody has all the facts yet; unknowns still govern the day. If you are patient, you will spare yourself turmoil while you let the truth reveal itself in its own good time. You may discover the situation was never as serious as it seemed.
Position 3: House of Ideas
Protect all areas of your health to increase your vigor and self reliance.
The Nine of Coins in this position challenges you to stay healthy and fit — emotionally, physically and psychologically. Don’t let yourself become soft and out of shape. You can’t expect this period of relative abundance and support to last forever. Even in the best of situations there are fluctuations; no situation is immune to change. As you proceed on your way, be aware of maintaining your muscle tone as well as your intellectual and emotional vigor. Use this situation to improve yourself and prepare for whatever may come next.
Position 4: House of the Family
You have all the innate skills and self confidence necessary to carry out what needs to be done.
The Horseman of Coins in this position suggests that you have apprenticed to or studied with people of practical experience who are in charge of significant enterprises. Having such a foundation helps you come to your enterprises mentally ready and fully empowered to do what is necessary, to take care of business. This heritage is a great advantage and provides you with inspiration you can wear like an invisible armor through the difficult passages. You have a right to feel confident that wherever you apply your attention, sweat and money will earn you a good return. This faith helps you to be consistent through the ups and the downs, and helps you follow through with a successful business plan. Others will wonder how you do it.
Position 5: House of Magic
Ask yourself whether the outcomes of a partnership effort correspond to your original objective.

When the Five of Coins is in this position, you have had a chance to team up with someone whose attributes and qualities complement your skills and talents. Look closely, however; do the others involved have the skills to function as a team, as equals? No matter how attractive or tempting this partnership may seem, it is important to examine whether the results of this connection truly align with your personal goals. Perhaps they do, but on the other hand, it could be a glamorous illusion that will set you back. Use this moment for some objective analysis.
Position 6: House of Apprenticeship
Because of your qualifications for service, it is your spiritual responsibility to take action.
When the Seven of Swords falls in this position, part of your mission in this lifetime is to be heroic under pressure. You now possess the humility necessary to be useful during difficult times. Because of your skill and good sense, you can be relied on as a leader or role model in your community. This confers a certain spiritual responsibility to shoulder some of the collective burden. Let your high moral sensibility and your natural, practical good sense guide others to do the right thing. When greater responsibility comes to you, don’t beg off or practice false modesty. Consider it a spiritual obligation to accept a position of leadership and don’t question why it is falling to you. It’s not just a matter of responsibility; the rewards will be great.
Position 7: House of Relationships
You will gain a new idea of what center is.
With the World in this position, it appears that you are rounding the last bend on the winding road to the promised land. There you can lay down your burden, stop struggling and ascend to a higher order of meaning. Soon you will feel you are in the right place at the right time, safe to relax in the trust and security that comes when you are one with the greater good.
The experience will reorient your inner gyroscope. Be prepared by staying open and flexible and keeping your wits about you. A great completion is forthcoming that could be camouflaged as a normal experience. You may be the only one in the situation who will understand it, but that is fine. The point is not publicity, but grasping the truth of this subtle shift and cooperating with it.
Position 8: House of Secrets
You are too attached to a need for self control.

When the Fool comes up in this position, lack of trust in your authentic, original nature causes you to resist spontaneity and freedom. Without trust in your essential nature, you can’t afford to move in any direction, take any steps, make any decisions. Without trust, you are riddled with fears and insecurities. Don’t inhibit yourself by the fear of what might go wrong. Determine what you would like and how to get it to happen. Look at your current situation as an opening rather than a trial. It’s a chance to go where you have never been before and experience new dimensions.
Position 9: House of Visions
An ally can test your opinions and otherwise help you evaluate your chosen path.

Justice in this position suggests there is someone in your life who is willing to serve as a sounding board and question you rigorously about incongruities in your thinking. He or she can role play your examiner, taking you through your paces intellectually. This gives you the opportunity to prove to yourself that you walk your talk, live up to your claims, that you are the person you profess to be. Trust this ally; do not resist or deny his or her feedback. You have a chance to illuminate blind spots that would otherwise make you vulnerable.
Position 10: House of Reputation
You have the potential power to be a benefactor.

The Ten of Coins in this position advises that you think of yourself as a person who possesses a powerful force to benefit the people. No matter what it is — a tool, service, invention or an idea — you know you are holding a storehouse of value. When it takes shape it will take care of you and yours for several generations. Exactly how are you going to administer the rewards of your talent? Recall the time when you began this current endeavor; remember the sincerity, innocence, vision and the dream. See how much of those values and that inspiration you can reproduce in the administration of your present abundance. Think of every act of spending and investing and securing as the sowing of seed that will sprout and grow another money tree in somebody else’s yard. How can you get really clever at throwing those seeds? This is your next assignment.
Position 11: House of the Future
If you stay on your path, you will become known as an exemplar of wisdom and truth.
The King of Swords in this position reveals your potential to be regarded as a wise leader, a fair and objective resource. Perhaps your reputation is on the rise right now. If you proceed with sobriety and maturity to do the right thing and sponsor the greater good, you may be tapped for the commission of some enterprise where a level headed, clear eyed protagonist is needed. You stand to be seen in a larger context than you have been in the past, as a resource whose insights are valuable to the community, one who deserves to be consulted when significant decisions are made.
Position 12: House of Surrender
Relinquish the trappings of mundane life and give yourself to spirit.
The Star in this position suggests that your ego is resisting your spiritual destiny. Some aspect of your mask must be shed. That is why the soul shown on this card is naked. No armor or disguise is to be allowed. No human audience witnesses the transformational event. Let go of superficial image concerns and comply with the instructions of spirit. Forget the opinions of others.

  • 10:50:05 PM
    I love you, God. You’ve blessed me with loved ones. I glorify You most when I am compassionate and am nurtured in the company of my loved ones. Jesus said as quoted in the Bible, “Where two or more of you are gathered together, there I am in the midst of you.” May I learn more each day to see your beauty in the ways of my loved ones.

    Horoscope Spread
    7 The Chariot
    In every case of this card's appearance, there is a triumphal feeling, as if the charioteer is being celebrated for a victory at battle, or is being paraded through the streets as a hero (or heroine). The card appears in congratulations of high achievement, as a signal of worldly empowerment. The huge wheels and frisky steeds speed up the rate at which the driver's will can be realized, and make more of the world accessible to one ambitious enough to seize the reins. There is danger here, because of the increased rate of change and its power to magnify mistakes in judgment, but as a seasoned warrior, the Charioteer stays attentive to the way in front of him.

Position 1: House of Identity
A positive attitude and strong potential will prime you to achieve a “personal best.”
The Seven of Wands in this position indicates you are getting ready for a moment of triumph. You have trained for it and are at the peak of your potential; you are clearly a winner even if you haven’t yet proved it. With such a positive attitude and obviously strong potentials so carefully cultivated, you are bound to make a strong showing.
Position 2: House of Work
When each member of a group becomes self-directing, hierarchies can be transformed and the situation organized in a more equalitarian way.

When the Nine of Wands falls in this position, a situation is calling for re-organization. The current structure of a group is actually damaging the leadership it depends upon for survival. The person who has been keeping everybody motivated or on track would be best served by taking some time off to rest and regenerate. The ideal solution is for each participant to become as self-directing as possible. This will actually be an evolutionary step in the group consciousness, with the leaders or role models no longer as vulnerable to criticism or resentment from those they have been trying to inspire and direct. Instead of one person being the hero, everybody can share both the responsibilities and the rewards.
Position 3: House of Ideas
The challenge is to balance your own best interests with the good of the whole.

The Emperor in this position challenges you to use whatever opportunities are available, without forgetting your personal aspirations. The Emperor often serves as a role model because his optimism and expansiveness are so attractive. If you are presently being perceived as an archetypal Emperor, you have an opportunity to win friends, influence others and help direct undertakings. As you strive to advocate for the greater good for the greatest number, don’t neglect your own desires. You wouldn’t be offered the opportunity of leadership if you didn’t deserve personal fulfillment in the process.
Position 4: House of the Family
Apply the benefits you have secured for yourself to improving the greater good.

The Nine of Coins in this position suggests that you come from a situation of being valued and supported which gave you the inner permission to seek what pleases and fulfills you. Identify the personal touchstones that help you feel nourished and safe and indulge in them regularly — you will then be more generously disposed toward the needs of others. There really is no conflict between treating yourself well and being in service to the greater good. Enjoy the benefits you have earned for yourself and let your overflow improve the world around you.
Position 5: House of Magic
Your fading attachment to the past gives you an opportunity to mature.

With the Ten of Coins in this position, you are leaving behind family connections or traditional sources of support and coming into a certain maturity. Your perspective has changed as a result of this shift. You know more of what the wide world holds and you can assume a stronger stance. Your dependence upon the past is fading, and this bodes well for you.
Position 6: House of Apprenticeship
Whatever you do stimulates you; you can do no wrong.

When the Fool comes up in this position, whatever you do will be interesting, creative, opportune and unique. Moment to moment, the grandeur of creation is a source of constant wonder. There is no need to invent further adventures, send yourself on quests or summon adversaries to challenge you. The Fool has no need of plans or schemes to stimulate or intensify his life. He simply feels the wind in the feather of his cap, points his nose and wanders. Savor this beautiful moment.
Position 7: House of Relationships
Be grateful for the intimate assessment you are about to receive.

When Justice is in this position, you will have an opportunity to see something of yours critiqued. You will be able to see which parts have substance and which are undeveloped. Interesting new questions will emerge. The penetrating intelligence of your adjudicator will show you how closely your personal vision matches standards of balance and harmony. This judge is the grandmother of humanity in whose mind resides tribal law. When you come before her with your questions and needs, she cuts to the quick and reveals the solution. Be humble and receptive when you come before Justice. Do not resort to denial if she reveals your unfinished business.
Position 8: House of Secrets
Slow and steady wins the race.
When the Hierophant appears in this position, you may be feeling intimidated and overwhelmed by your perceived failure to measure up to your role models or personal aspirations. Your perception of how far you have come will always come up short if you focus on the immensity of what is yet to be done. It does no good to dwell on the gap between where you stand and where you would like to be. Focus on what is possible today as you hold to your dream of growth and expanded consciousness, take one step at a time, and one day you will notice that you have bridged the chasm. It takes a lifetime to become an expert. Once there, you can turn around and transmit the wisdom of a lifetime upon those who follow.
Position 9: House of Visions
Allies can help you dialogue, role play or serve as a “devil’s advocate” so you can gain insight into your situation.
In this position, the Two of Coins advises that you find somebody who will dialogue or role play with you or serve as a “devil’s advocate.” This person should have good information and experience in the area where you feel stuck or thwarted. As you role play, be sure to take both sides, including that of an adversary if you have one. Let your ally guide you through all the dimensions of the problem. This process may lead you to discover that the situation is not as serious as you thought. In any case, you want your ideas to be as grounded as possible.
Position 10: House of Reputation
Make yourself fully available for whatever is needed.

The Page of Cups in this position advises you to study the best ways to be of service. Strive to discern what is missing in your situation, what would give more pleasure, comfort and emotional security; then provide it. Be careful to understand that whatever is happening has little or nothing to do with you personally. The best you can do is offer support and listen closely to be sure you understand what is needed. Serve the situation with an attitude of reverence. Look at individuals around you as the embodiment of the divine, and try to fulfill each one’s needs. Don’t worry about the outcome. Later you will understand why you needed to be in this position.
Position 11: House of the Future
The work you are doing now will be felt for a long time to come.

With the World in this position, there is long term potential that your present actions will start a chain of consequences that will turn out to be wonderfully beneficial to humanity. This lifetime may not be long enough to show you how many generations you will influence. But if you understand that your choices matter, that your actions make a difference, and that your example will influence others, you will fulfill this prophecy.
Position 12: House of Surrender
Sacrifice your need to control the situation; calm down and wait it out.
With the Four of Cups in this position, be willing to endure a bit of boredom and discomfort for the sake of letting the moment pass. Sometimes you just can’t avoid a situation, even though you have no personal stake in it. It may be some obligation or something that has erupted around you, from which you cannot extricate yourself. Give up the tendency to push the river and make things happen, in order to feel more comfortable right away. Have the self control to wait things out. Be patient, but don’t fall asleep. Keep your wits about you for a good opportunity to free yourself and move into a higher gear. Later you can evaluate whether this was a good or a bad experience.

  • Preliminary Tarot Readings ~ April 11
    Deck: Gran Tarot Esoterico
  • 5:45:56 PM
    Given spiritual self-transformation and catalyzing healing/mediation for others by Divine power as part of my work as much as that of all humans, I ask about my love for song as a healing tool. I have cultivated my voice and inherit talent of voice from Pappa and feel for music from Mamma. Do I have creditable work to offer with singing, chanting?

    Star of David
    The Wild Card
    can define a step you can make to improve the situation, usually involving some sort of sacrifice on your part, to bridge the gap between opposing elements or camps of the situation in question, and start the process towards greater harmony.
    21 The World
    The predominating idea of the World card is the presiding intelligence, called Sophia or Wisdom, which upholds the platform for life on this and all worlds throughout eternity. A more accurate title would be "the Soul of the World", as the (usually female) figure that has become our standard World image originates in Hebrew, Gnostic and Alchemical lore about this mediating figure. She stands between heaven and earth as the Cosmic Mother of Souls, the Wife of God and our protrectress from the karmic forces we have set loose on Earth in our immaturity and ignorance.
    Where the Empress secures and fertilizes our terrestrial lives, the goddess of The World Arcanum invites us into cosmic citizenship, once we have come to realize our soul's potential for it. Just as the Chariot (#7) stands for success in achieving a separate Self, and Temperance (#14) represents achievement of mental and moral health in the cauldron of culture, the World announces the awakening of the soul's Immortal Being, accomplished without the necessity of dying. Hence, this card, like the Sun, is reputed to have no negative meaning no matter where or how it appears. If the Hermetic axiom is "Know Thyself", this image represents what becomes known when the true nature of Self is followed to its ultimate realization.

1: Deciding Moment
You are moving forward from a devastating time, gaining distance from tragedy.
With the Ten of Swords in this position, you are just emerging from a very difficult time in which it was necessary to confront the end of a cycle or some kind of dead end. Things will never be the same. With this card, a sense of tragedy can hardly be escaped, but at least with it in this position, you are moving on. Tragedy is in the past; its influence is waning. You are securing some distance from the defeated state that once prevailed. You are feeling better now. Be grateful. You are healing and things are going to be getting better.
2: Consequences
Your approach is working; be confident as you evaluate the results of your labors.

With the Seven of Coins in this position, you are stepping into a time when you will see the results of your labor manifest. Here you will receive strong, direct affirmation that your ideas and your creativity are bearing fruit. It’s not like winning the lottery, but it does become clear to you that the approach you have been taking is working. You aren’t given a reprieve from continuing the work, but it is rewarding to reflect on what you have achieved, especially since many others would have given up before now. Be greatly encouraged by this. As your vision manifests on the physical plane, let yourself be inspired to redouble your efforts.
3: Will
Define your mission and get organized so that tremendous energy is not wasted.
The Six of Wands in this position says to rally the attention of others around the next essential steps, before the energy that is available to you becomes scattered. As enthusiasm builds, you may have to deal with some confusion or contention, but a team leader needs to assess the situation and take charge before too much energy is wasted. You may or may not choose to be that leader, but it’s advisable to evaluate your role in the project or situation — it is gathering momentum and building up a tremendous amount of energy that may prove to be valuable to you.
4: Relationships
Instead of depending on a single associate or relying on one person’s support, form a variety of intelligent partnerships.
In this position, the Five of Coins suggests that there are people in your immediate environment who excel in areas where you lack expertise. Avoid dependence on any one single ally or supporter — this card encourages you to create strategic partnerships. Enjoy many relationships, allowing your affairs to run through a variety of channels.
5: Advice
Project all the confidence you can muster, as if you already know your plans are working and your goal is secured.

The King of Coins in this position advises you to behave as if you were already a success. Project confidence that your plans and goals are in the process of perfectly unfolding. Make your moves with that kind of authority and trust right now without waiting for acknowledgment or approval. Soon enough you will receive blessing after blessing. If you can learn to feel that kind of confidence in your body and get comfortable with it as your natural state, you will soon attract the support you need or desire.
6: Conscience
Examining the continuum of your life experiences renews you and clarifies your mission.

When the Ten of Wands falls in this position you are being asked to contemplate the continuity in your life, to review decisions you made when you were inexperienced and naive, then appreciate the stream of choices and realizations that led you to your present level of maturity. This continuum illuminates the theme that has governed your life from the beginning until now. From this perspective, you can recognize yourself, forgive yourself and renew yourself in light of the constant external change that marks life in this world. Then you can rest secure, knowing what your long term mission is and the nature of the contributions you have come here to make.

  • 8:10:47 PM
    Tree of Life Spread
    I could have recorded my voice for practice a long time ago—I have all the hardware and software. I’m afraid of the unfamiliar and the feeling of being a centre-shot—my voice recorded sounds awful — what do you suggest I can do proactively until friends surface?

1: Crown
Your enthusiastic stewardship is producing dramatic results.
The Six of Wands in this position provides an opportunity for you to be on the receiving end of strong support. An opinion you had been keeping to yourself spoke to a universal need. As you share your views others can unite with you, volunteer to help and offer to provide a framework for your team. Your inspiration, enthusiasm and leadership are bearing fruit. It is imperative, however, that you design a plan of action — don’t allow a team effort to plunge ahead without direction.
2: Contemplation
The warrior returns an ambassador of peace; the traveler comes home.

When the Knight of Cups is in this position, something or someone that was lost from your life is returning. It could be an influence, a memento or a person coming back from a journey or quest that separated you long ago. A cup of wisdom, initiation or awakening will be presented to you. Some great clarity has been achieved which can be transferred to others. This journey, a formidable sacrifice for the one who took it, will now be beneficial to those who stayed home. Be prepared to welcome the weary traveler, and be open to the message that is being delivered to you.
3: Activation
You are not adrift; you can navigate this extraordinary experience with skill.

The Moon in this position is a challenge to retain a modicum of self consciousness while you sink deeply into your primal nature. As happens at full moon, something has loosened the flood gates of the collective unconscious and you are aware of the high tide as much as anyone. It helps if you have trained your instincts and impulses not to override your self discipline. When reason is eclipsed by feelings, your natural and psychic intelligence can provide a safety net. Once the floodgates of the unconscious are opened, you will be self preserving and sensitive, leaving behind old patterns. Trust that your good reflexes will respond appropriately to what your sensors tell you is going on around you.
4: Wisdom
Keep a steady hand on the reins; be wary of situations that promise a “sure thing.”

The Chariot in this position suggests that you recognize the increasing energy that is stimulating changes in your situation. This kind of situation may feel familiar to you because you have some experience in how to handle it. In the face of this rising tide of excitement and possibility, you are able to stay grounded in good sense and honed instincts. As you are less likely to lose your head; your chariot won’t be suddenly overturned by a rock or a rut in your roadway. Because you have witnessed the failure of others who became overconfident at times like these, you know how to keep your reins pulled in to avoid the disaster that befalls the careless.
5: Discipline
Feel free to follow your heart to those healthy, simple and guiltless pleasures that make life sweet.

The Ace of Cups in this position suggests that some enjoyable and fulfilling contact has put you in touch with a deep personal enthusiasm about your life. The feelings of satisfaction, of something deeply familiar and emotionally warming, continue to nourish you long after the actual experience is over. Pay attention to and develop a relationship with this imprint and its effects on you. Don’t limit it to a mere one-time event. You are discovering that it’s possible to bring more joy into your life. As long as it brings harm to no one, follow those feelings.
6: Heart
As core truths emerge, accept their influence and allow your life to be changed.

When the Queen of Swords comes up in this position, your inner grandmother is taking her throne. Male or female, we all have living within us a wise crone or powerful Queen of Heaven figure, a mature mother archetype. She is stepping forward now in your own psyche. Her higher reasoning is flowing into your consciousness, helping you see things in a broader way. This involves a peeling away of appearances to yield a clearer disclosure of core issues. She is trying to remind you about what is true, what works and what you can do to positively affect your situation. Don’t resist her; accept her influence.
7: Cycles
The past does not dictate the future. You can consciously shape your circumstances.
With the Six of Cups in this position, taking a broad overview will help you to clearly see how you translate past experiences into fuel for the future. You are learning from past experience and adjusting future plans and goals accordingly. Be watchful for this insight, because it will provide lucid insight into a pattern that has always been a mystery to you. You will clearly see that you are not trapped in a predestined reality. Instead, you are able to creatively reinterpret your circumstances and create new outcomes. You will come to realize that you are not merely the result of your past. You are the product of how you interpret your possibilities for the future. This paradigm shift will change everything for you.
8: Waking Up
Internal conflict can scatter you, preventing you from accomplishing your goals.
When the Five of Wands falls in this position, divided loyalties are interfering with your ability to stay focused well enough and long enough to complete your top priorities. Your energy is in danger of becoming scattered; you feel like you are going in several directions at once. Stop blaming the world. By not getting clear on your highest priority, you have let yourself get distracted. Stop and recognize that you can’t commit to several projects and serve them all very well. You will continue to feel internally conflicted until you clearly grasp your situation and commit to your highest priority.
9: Safety Net
Allies can help you dialogue, role play or serve as a “devil’s advocate” so you can gain insight into your situation.
In this position, the Two of Coins advises that you find somebody who will dialogue or role play with you or serve as a “devil’s advocate.” This person should have good information and experience in the area where you feel stuck or thwarted. As you role play, be sure to take both sides, including that of an adversary if you have one. Let your ally guide you through all the dimensions of the problem. This process may lead you to discover that the situation is not as serious as you thought. In any case, you want your ideas to be as grounded as possible.
10: Outcome
You may be pruned by circumstances, but you will endure and be renewed.

With the Ten of Swords in this position, there is potential to experience a new surge of life force and excitement after a radical pruning. When you understand the metaphor of a violent winter storm whipping the trees, throwing down limbs and knocking over unsteady specimens, you’ll understand this card. This is how Nature renews herself, by breaking holes in the canopy so the sun can reach the forest floor. Try to see new potential being liberated in the storm of chaos and unpredictability. It can be a fearsome process because it indicates overwhelming lack of control. When it’s over, however, new possibilities that can enrich and increase your world will present themselves. If you can stay focused on the potential good, you won’t feel so much personal loss in the course of the change.

  • 8:26:20 PM
    As usual, I have an ally—You, Spirit, are it. I could take a shot of scotch, put my lyrics in front of me and sing to karaoke MIDI music into my mike—and let the chips fall where they may for my first tracks. It would break me in...

1: Self
A legacy of some kind provides a stable foundation upon which to build.
The Four of Coins in this position suggests that you have been blessed with some kind of inheritance which you are still learning how to put to good use. This endowment may be monetary or it may be some other form of generous support. It gives you a relatively stable base upon which you can build. When you are fully aware of what a blessing it is, you can cultivate a feeling of gratitude and make the best use of your advantage. On the other hand, there is a chance you will squander its value. It’s OK to be playful, but beware of irresponsible pleasure-seeking.
3: Challenges
Be attentive to the rhythms of life and join in the dance.

The Wheel of Fortune in this position challenges you to ride it with composure. Learn to see change coming, to track the ebb and flow of circumstances. Learn the rhythms of Nature and synchronize with her. Recall the cyclic continuity of past events. Recognize, however, that there is always an unpredictable element, a wild card.
Think of the wheel as a spiral. As you learn more, the equations become more complicated, which then draws you into more esoteric questions. The key is to learn to be comfortable with open ended issues that lead to more intricate and interesting considerations. Then you will stop asking circumstances to deliver something they will never provide — simple, linear change.
4. Higher Power
Be ready to take action, risking others’ approval or disapproval if necessary.

When the Horseman of Swords comes up in this position, you are urged to seize the day. It’s time to draw the line and be willing to defend it. Leap on your charger, grab your weapon and proceed as if you intend to forcibly change the situation. It’s not always imperative to follow through with such a threat, but be ready to if necessary. Avoid flinging yourself into a conflict over a slight to your ego, but do prepare to defend your limits when appropriate. This is a heroic role. There is no way to know in advance whether you will be supported or rejected for taking this stand, but for moral reasons and your own self esteem, you must be willing to take that risk.
5. Advice
Project all the confidence you can muster, as if you already know your plans are working and your goal is secured.

The King of Coins in this position advises you to behave as if you were already a success. Project confidence that your plans and goals are in the process of perfectly unfolding. Make your moves with that kind of authority and trust right now without waiting for acknowledgment or approval. Soon enough you will receive blessing after blessing. If you can learn to feel that kind of confidence in your body and get comfortable with it as your natural state, you will soon attract the support you need or desire.

  • 8:47:24 PM
    Tree of Life Spread
    In truth I feel bitter for never getting support until I’ve done the impossible alone with only my God to intercede; then the support of “loved ones” is redundant, rather begging the initial question of my need. So, I’m used to leper-status...forgive me—I am bitter and I need to admit it.

1: Crown
Consider carefully what consequences may result from joining forces.

The Five of Coins in this position indicates the attraction of opposites. The Five of Coins depicts lovers discovering each other, mirroring and matching, magnetized by each other’s qualities. Once the first flush of infatuation is past, however, the same energy of attraction that once felt so exciting may become a source of friction. The seeds of conflict are built into the fabric of the attraction. Even though the whole becomes more than the sum of its parts, it has been known to devour the individuals who comprise it.
This card suggests a relationship opportunity or offer. Examine what the outcome of joining forces would be. Ascertain as best you can if there is enough to keep you engaged, so that you don’t base a long term endeavor on a moment’s infatuation. Successful long term partnerships are business arrangements as well as love affairs.
2: Contemplation
Your unique comprehension of the situation can help clarify the confusion which is currently threatening forward progress.

With the Ace of Swords in this position, circumstances indicate that although there is only one path that leads to your destination, it winds and meanders like a maze. You can avoid confusion, however, because your insight can make sense of the apparent muddle. You possess an outlook or vision that can harmonize competing interests, motivations and needs. Ultimately it is up to you to reveal the big picture and point out the middle path. You know what the next step is, as long as you continue to focus solely upon it without letting yourself or others be distracted.
3: Activation
Learn to practice leadership by sponsoring progress and innovation rather than by fighting for control.

The King of Wands in this position exposes the fine line between bold leadership and irritating, autocratic bossiness. At times those who would benefit from some helpful management resist it the most, even though their situation could be vastly improved if they were receptive to some direction. If you see the need for a new way of doing things, then you will have to inspire others in that direction without setting off their anti-authority alarms. It’s less important, however, to care about image than to get the job done. Stay centered on the challenge and others will not be tempted to find fault.
4: Wisdom
Optimism frames every experience or insight you have.
The Page of Cups in this position suggests that you have been deeply influenced by an idealistic environment. A part of your inheritance is a resolute, uncrushable belief in the goodness of life and the future. You possess the ability to perceive the good in all things. You have learned how to take setbacks as motivation for renewed effort. No amount of harsh reality diminishes your sense that the future will turn out better. This is a wonderful legacy; value it for the blessing it is. The only time life seems to fail you is when you don’t eat right or rest well, which goes to show the integral importance of health and vitality, no matter how positive one’s outlook or how many fine friendships it brings to your life. The only warning here is to be on guard against naiveté and a reckless optimism that borders on irresponsibility.
5: Discipline
Bask in the continuing light of an exceptional lesson or inspiration.

With the Sun in this position, a recent event can continue to feed you inspiration and optimism for some time to come. Although the event itself is past, recall the lesson embedded within it that gave you so much nourishment, self esteem, affirmation and confidence. Bring back that wonderful feeling of sufficiency into your consciousness. Record it in your journals, create a work of art around it; build an altar with meaningful symbols. Continue to sip from this fountain of optimism.
6: Heart
Your current outlook, so full of warmth and approval, is infecting others with a love of life.

When the Ace of Cups falls in this position, your Higher Power is blessing you with an abundance of loving approval. As you feel this powerfully within yourself, your self-respect rises like the level of a lake in spring. You are elated by the feeling that you are the right person in the right place at the right time. As your self esteem increases, the feelings of your heart deepen. This “inner smile” expands the dimensions of your consciousness, relaxing and awakening you to experience life on a higher frequency. Living life on this level increases your optimism, confidence and generosity — attracting people to you and your gifts.
7: Cycles
An upcoming event will test your ability to detach from the arena of ego and choose the higher ground.
The Strength card in this position promises a chance to see how appropriately you will behave even when you are tempted by peoples’ inflammatory behavior. In the process of being tested, you will undergo feelings of threat; stress, and pressure — possibly even fear and anguish. You will find the Strength to withstand being seriously unsettled, however, and will move to a realm of higher reasoning. From there you can bring about a peaceful solution that tames the situation for everyone’s sake. Go forth with confidence and courage. You have nothing to fear, once you have conquered your animal nature.
8: Waking Up
Although you know there is much to praise, you have been indulging in a negative outlook.
When the Seven of Cups falls in this position, it warns you against neglecting to perceive the abundance and opportunities in a universe of expanding potentials. Stop investing in a negative or cynical point of view. There is at least as much evidence of good things as evidence of setbacks and difficulties. Your nervous system is just having a hard time registering the presence of the good, even though your intuition and senses tell you this is a fine and praiseworthy world. It’s time to retune your awareness so it perceives at least an equal amount of the positive. Hopeless, helpless thinking doesn’t fit the reality of current circumstances.
9: Safety Net
With the help of an objective person, examine the assumptions you may unconsciously be making.
In this position, the King of Swords suggests that you seek the assistance of a mentor in communications. Find someone with enough broad experience to help you sharpen your logic, define the issues before you and refine your arguments. This person will be a strict but fair judge of your development. He or she will critique you and give you assignments for self improvement. It’s like having a personal trainer, who will hold up the mirror and show you the parts of yourself you cannot see without help. With this person on your side, you will improve your ability to stay on top of events and issues. Such helpers are worth their weight in gold; don’t stray too far from her or his advice.
10: Outcome
You are languishing in a dangerous morass of self gratification; your spirit requires fresh energy and challenges.
The Four of Cups in this position says that if you continue with too little to do and too little interest in what is around you, you will fall into a dangerous period of self-absorption, narcissism and unhealthy emotions. Separated off from the fresh, flowing stream, you have been swept into a muddy little cul-de-sac that lacks the cleansing effects of the current. There is danger of emotional, physical or mental toxicity from laziness or self indulgence. How far do you really want to persist in this? How long can you tolerate something this boring and alienating? How can you break this trance and come alive again?


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